Admissions & Records


Enrollment Fee Refund Policy

California Residents:

Beginning Spring 2013, the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District will implement a new administrative procedure regarding student refunds.

The new procedure is:
Students may request a refund of enrollment fees as long as the student withdraws from the class during the first two weeks of class for a regular term class, or by the 10% point of the length of a shortterm class. Refunds are not automatic. Requests for refunds must be filed by June 30 for the academic year just ended. Credit balances do not carry over from one academic year to the next.

A student who must withdraw for military purpose shall be refunded 100% fees paid, regardless of the date of withdrawal. In this case, requests for refunds made after the end of the academic year will be honored.

To apply for an enrollment fee refund, file a REQUEST FOR REFUND form at the Office of Admissions and Records. No refunds will be given to students who withdraw from classes after the no-grade-of-record (NGR) deadline. For refund deadlines, see the Academic Calendar.

  • A $10.00 processing fee will be subtracted from each enrollment fee refund (with the exception of classes cancelled by the College).
  • The mailing fee, student rep. fee, health services, and student activity fee are not refundable.
  • Refund checks will be sent by mail approximately 6 weeks after the NGR deadline.


Non-resident tuition refunds will be given as follows:

  • Withdrawal prior to the first day of instruction in a regular semseter, term or session: 90% Refund.
  • Withdrawal during the first two weeks of instruction for a regular semester, term or session: 75% Refund.
  • Withdrawal after the second week of instruction for a regular semester, term or session: NONE.




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Page last modified: August 29, 2016