Graduation/Transfer Requirements
Major Requirements
In addition to general education requirements, most students earning an AA/AS or BA/BS need to complete courses in their major. If you plan to earn both an associates degree and transfer, you may choose an AA Degree Liberal Arts and Sciences. While the major requirements for a LPC associates degree and a baccalaureate degree may be similar, rarely are they exactly the same.
Identifying major requirements can be very confusing. Counselors can help you locate and decide which classes to take. The best way to do this is to make an appointment to develop a Student Educational Plan.
NOTE: For impacted/selective majors or transfer schools, completing courses for your major is very important to gain admission.
AA/AS Major/Certificate Course Requirements:
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- LPC Majors
- LPC major course requirements are found in:
- LPC College Catalog (for sale in the campus bookstore)
- Informational f lyers in the Counseling Office lobby and in the Career/Transfer Center.
Transfer: Baccalaureate Degree Major Course Requirements
Major requirements for transfer majors/bachelors degrees can usually be found at one or more of the following:
- ASSIST lists many of the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) major requirements and the corresponding LPC courses (articulation agreements).
- Transfer college catalogs. Many are available in the Career/Transfer Center.
- Transfer college's websites.
- LPC counselors by appointment