Standard Ten: Governance and Administration
The Institution has a governing board responsible for the quality and integrity of the Institution. The Institution has an administrative staff of appropriate size to enable the institution to achieve its goals and is organized to provide administrative services. Governance structures and systems ensure appropriate roles for the board, administration, faculty, staff, and students, and facilitate effective communication among the institution's constituencies.
- A.1
- A.2
- A.3
- A.4
- A.5
- A.6
- A.7
- B.1
- B.2
- B.3
- B.4
- B.5
- B.6
- B.7
- B.8
- B.9
- B.10
- C.1
- C.2
- C.3
- C.4
- C.5
- C.6
- References
- Interviews
Committee for Standard Ten
Aguilar, Computer/Network Support Specialist
Sharon Cadawalader, Executive Assistant to the President
Corinna Camacho, English Faculty
Douglas Divine, Security Officer
Karen Halliday, Vice President of Student Services
Philip Manwell, Humanities Faculty
Abby McCann, English Faculty
Don Milanese, Vice President of Academic Services
Elizabeth Noyes, Webmaster
Amber Sexton, Alternative Media Technology Specialist
Sarah Thompson, Sociology Faculty
Heidi Ulrech, Communications Specialist
10A. Governing Board
10A.1 The Governing Board is an independent policy-making board, capable of reflecting the public interest in board activities and decisions. It has a mechanism for providing for continuity of Board Membership and staggered terms of office.
The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (CLPCCD) is comprised of seven trustee districts contained in Southern Alameda County and a small part of Contra Costa County. These districts serve diverse communities that each elect a representative to the Board of Trustees. (10.A.1) Trustees serve four-year terms, with elections staggered so that less than one-half of the Board stands for election at one time, helping to ensure continuity and stability in Board membership. In addition, the Board responsibilities rotate, ensuring diversity in Board leadership.
Since fall of 1996, Las Positas College (LPC) and Chabot College have each had a student trustee. Student trustees are elected annually by the students, are empowered to speak at meetings, and have a permanent place at the Board table. They do not have a vote, but they can make motions.
The Board agenda allows for public comment at every meeting. Email publication of Board agendas and widespread dissemination of Board minutes enable the Board to hear from interested parties prior to deciding issues. If the Board feels that public comment on a subject is not adequate, it can advise the Chancellor who then ensures that affected groups will be available for additional comment at the next meeting. (10.2)
In addition to the Chancellor, there is reserved seating for each College president, the Vice Chancellor, the presidents of the Student Government, Academic and Classified Senates, and representatives from both classified and faculty unions. The College presidents report on campus activities at the business board meeting and participate in Board discussions. College Vice Presidents attend all Board meetings. The Board meets twice per month, one for business and the other for a workshop or a specific topic, and currently holds at least five meetings at LPC. (10.3)
The Midterm Report indicates that the Board has reviewed the student trustee policy and agrees that it is working well and will continue. (10.32)
The CLPCCD Board fulfills its responsibilities. The Board provides for the adequate representation of its diverse constituency. Because members are elected from seven distinct trustee districts, the Board is an independent policy-making entity responsible to the electorate.
10A.2 The governing board ensures that the educational program is of high quality, is responsible for overseeing the financial health and integrity of the institution, and confirms that institutional practices are consistent with the board-approved institutional mission statement and policies.
The CLPCCD Board reviews and approves educational programs and ensures that the programs, degrees and certificates LPC offers are of excellent quality, and are consistent with institutional purposes. (10.4) LPC academic divisions conduct program review in a rotating cycle of five years, and a three-year cycle for Student Services programs. These documents are submitted to the Board for approval. Additionally, LPC administrators and staff make presentations on educational programs and services to the Board when requested or when appropriate.
According to the CLPCCD Mission Statement, the District is committed to providing the human and fiscal resources necessary to ensure that all programs meet rigorous standards of quality and excellence. (10.33 and 10.5) The Board conducts budget study sessions as part of the budget development process. Board policy supports "a budget building process that is horizontal rather than vertical with members of each College community contributing significantly to the final model." (10.6)
The CLPCCD Board's current process for approval of education programs effectively ensures quality and excellence. LPC should continue making Board presentations about educational programs and services as necessary. (10.34)
Board budget review is efficient and effective. LPC supports the Board's continuing practice that allows the Chancellor to reject College and District budgets with cost over-rides from any cost center and provides for the Chancellor to work with such problems so that each cost center stays within budget. (10.34)
10A.3 The governing board establishes broad institutional policies and appropriately delegates responsibility to implement these policies. The governing board regularly evaluates its policies and practices and revises them as necessary.
The CLPCCD Board of Trustees creates broad institutional policies that are published in the Board Policy Manual. Board policy reflects a firm commitment to the State Educational Code. The CLPCCD Board appropriately delegates the responsibility for policy implementation. At regularly scheduled meetings, the Board reviews and approves agenda items, receives reports from the Chancellor, the College presidents, the Academic Senate presidents, the Classified Senate presidents, and representatives of the associated students organizations. The Board also invites members of the general public to speak during public forum. (10.7)
The Chancellor and the Board President set the agenda for these meetings, decide which policies will be examined and set the timetable for review. District staff and staff at each college prepare materials for agenda items and submit them to the Chancellor for Board approval.
Board has a policy for evaluating District policies and practices.
For example, the Board has recently reviewed the District Diversity
and Equity Employment Policies and Academic Standards in relation
to state law. (10.8)
The Board policy calls for regular evaluation of its policies and practices, with revisions as necessary.
10A.4 In keeping with its mission, the governing board selects and evaluates the chief executive officer and confirms the appointment of other major academic and administrative officers.
The process for hiring the District Chancellor is essentially the same as that for faculty and administrators of the District. The position is nationally advertised, applications are screened by a search committee comprised of representatives from the constituent groups, and top-ranked candidates are invited for an interview. Finalists participate in College forums and Board interviews, and Board members may visit finalists' places of employment. The Board interviews final candidates and decides whom to hire, and a finalist is offered the position. The Board evaluates the Chancellor annually in accordance with its established procedures. (10.10)
College and District managers are initially screened and interviewed
by designated search committees composed of staff at the hiring campus,
and District office, or in some cases from all three locations. Candidates
selected for hire are recommended for approval at the next regular
board meeting. All administrators are employed under a board-approved
contract, usually for a two-year term, and regularly evaluated according
to the CLPCCD Management Evaluation and Professional Development
Program. (10.35)
The process for Board selection and evaluation of the Chancellor is effective and acceptable. The Chancellor's evaluation is based on goals and objectives submitted by the Chancellor to the Board of Trustees.
10A.5 The size, duties, responsibilities, ethical conduct requirements, structure and operating procedures, and processes for assessing, the performance of the governing board are published in board policies or by laws. The board acts in a manner consistent with them.
The CLPCCD Board includes seven publicly elected voting members and two non-voting student members. It conforms in size and composition to state law and applicable board policies. The formally defined duties and ethical responsibilities of the voting trustees include appointment of the Chancellor, approval and evaluation, and maintenance of the fiscal stability of the District.
The Board defines the principal responsibility of the Student Trustees as "serving as a representative voice for students in the CLPCCD." (10.1) The Board holds an organizational meeting each December to select the Board president and secretary, to assign individual trustees to committees, and to schedule future meetings. The published agenda for each Board meeting explains procedures and items for discussion and approval. Other operating procedures are defined and published in the Board Policy Manual . (10.11)
All Board
meetings are conducted in compliance with the Brown Act and other
state-mandated open meeting laws. Closed sessions, should they be
required, are conducted in compliance with the California Education
Code. (10.12)
The Board regularly acts in a manner consistent with all applicable policies and laws. Its size, membership, and conduct are clearly defined, published and available to the public. Minutes of the previous Board meeting are published with the current agenda, and electronic versions of all minutes are available over the Internet, and accessible from the District website. Board policies are published in the CLPCCD Board Policy Manual and CLPCCD Administrative Rules and Procedures, available to campus staff through the district-wide computer network. (10.13)
10A.6 The governing board has a program for new member orientation and governing board development.
New trustees are encouraged to attend the Community College League (CCL) annual orientation conference for newly elected trustees. A student trustee orientation is held in late summer. Conferences cover Board roles and responsibilities, and educational, legal and fiscal policies. The CCL also provides a number of resources, including the Trustee Handbook, to all new trustees and to each district.
The CLPCCD also provides orientation for newly elected trustees in numerous ways. The Board President and the Chancellor are usually the major points of contact for new trustees. Orientation is an ongoing process, involving individual meetings, College and program visits, information presentations, experienced trustee mentors, and one or two day workshops and retreats.
documents are available for review by trustees. Accreditation Self
Studies and Visiting Team Reports offer a comprehensive view of each
College, and the District. Master, strategic, educational and facilities
plans and vision statements are important to trustee understanding
of institutional goals and values district-wide. Budgets and audit
reports can be reviewed with the Chief Financial Officer or a designee.
College catalogs and schedules provide an overview of LPC offerings.
Minutes and agendas of past board meetings are available. In addition,
the Board Handbook contains information on ethics, protocol, policies
and Board self-evaluation criteria. Board Handbooks are available
from any administrator as well as in the Learning Resource Center
at LPC. (10.14)
The training program for trustees is comprehensive and effective.
10A.7 The Board is informed about and involved in the accreditation process.
The CLPCCD Board is regularly informed about the Accreditation process at Board meetings where the LPC President reports formally on the status of the Accreditation Self Study and pertinent communication from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Board members also stay individually informed through campus visits. In addition to reviewing the final report from LPC, the Board also receives copies of the Interim Report WASC prepared in November of 1999. The Self Study was presented to the Board for acceptance in November 2002. (10.15)
The CLPCCD Board is sufficiently aware of and involved in the accrediting process at this time. The Chancellor and the LPC President will continue the practice of keeping the Board informed about accreditation.
10B. Institutional Administration and Governance
10B.1 The institutional chief executive officer provides effective leadership to define goals, develop plans and establish priorities for the institution.
The LPC President provides leadership in the following major areas: teaching and learning, budget, strategic planning, staff selection and evaluation, community relations, staff development, shared governance and human resources.
The president facilitates goal process definition and prioritization at the College by communicating Board goals to the Institutional Planning Committee. LPC communicates its goals to the College divisions, and they set their own goals based on this information.
The LPC President has made a concerted effort to refine and improve short and long range planning by developing both a facilities master plan and an education master plan, by overseeing fiscal planning on a regular basis, distributing external monies such as Partnership for Excellence grants and setting hiring priorities. The IPC is centrally involved in all aspects of short and long range planning.
In addition, the President represents LPC in the community by being involved with organizations such as the Tri-Valley Business Council, Tri-Valley Education Committee, and Rotary. The President also serves on numerous state and national committees for the betterment of not only LPC, but community colleges as a whole.
In Fall
2001, LPC operated under the leadership of an Interim President,
and the Vice President of Student Services assumed the position of
Interim President in Spring 2002. Three major initiatives involving
the planning process have emerged under the two interim presidents.
These are decisions regarding faculty hiring, the move toward creation
of a College foundation, and the implementation of the strategic
planning process. The faculty hiring initiative illustrates the effective
use of the planning process. This initiative begins at the division
level, where departments request and submit rationale for new positions.
These requests are ranked at the division level and then submitted
to the IPC where they are given College-wide scrutiny and ranking.
Finally, they are evaluated in terms of district planning. (10.16)
Results for the faculty, staff, and administrators Accreditation Survey show that about 88 percent agree that the LPC President provides effective leadership to define goals, develop plans, and establish priorities for the College.
10B.2 The institutional chief executive officer efficiently manages resources, implements priorities controlling budget and expenditures, and ensures the implementation of statutes, regulations and board policies.
The LPC President meets on a regular basis with the Academic and Classified Senate officers, Associated Students of Las Positas College (ASLPC), union representatives, and other campus bodies and individuals. These meetings include budget and resources and the process to implement district, state and local statutes, regulations, and policies.
The President sits on the IPC (ex-officio), College Budget Study Group (CBSG), District Budget Study Groups (DSBG), Enrollment Management, second level hiring, Chancellor's Cabinet, and Chancellor's Council. The President ensures that the Vice President of Business Services develops a process for review of the budget status on a regular basis.
To ensure that shared governance became a reality at LPC, the previous president created the Collegial Consultation Process (CCP) through which the roles of College committees are defined, Senate responses to policy are received, monthly all-campus Town Meetings are held, committee reports are reviewed and senate and union representatives meet on a monthly basis. (10.16)
President oversees the management of human resources by setting hiring
priorities, with recommendations from the IPC. The President chairs
on second-level interview committees, and is ultimately responsible
for hiring decisions. Hiring procedures were developed jointly with
faculty and administration, and the President ensures that LPC follows
the District hiring policy. The Equity and Diversity Officer assists
with the hiring process.
In the Accreditation Survey, a majority of responses indicate that the LPC President has been effective in the area of implementation of policies and regulations concerning management of resources. Seventy-nine percent of staff agree that "College administration efficiently manages financial resources and implements budget expenditures based on institutional priorities." (10.37)
10B.3 The institution is administratively organized and staffed to reflect the institution's purposes, size and complexity. The administration provides effective and efficient management leadership that makes an effective teaching and learning environment possible.
In addition to the President, Las Positas' administrative organization includes three administrative areas: Academic Services, Student Services and Business Services. A Vice President heads each of the administrative areas. (10.17)
The Vice President of Academic Services oversees the instructional area. The area includes three Deans of Academic Services, each responsible for an interdisciplinary division. Several areas within the divisions have program coordinators. (10.17) The Vice President of Academic Services develops, directs, coordinates with the Division Deans, supervises and evaluates the programs, personnel, operations, and activities of all instructional programs, including the Learning Resources Center and other academic support services and personnel practices to guarantee high standards of instruction. In addition, the Vice President of Academic Services coordinates the recruitment, selection, and orientation of faculty and classified staff, ensures compliance with Diversity and Equity policies, and participates in the recruitment and selection of administrative staff.
The Vice President of Academic Services, in concert with the Division Deans, also supervises performance evaluations, monitors teaching assignments, provides leadership and supervision for all aspects of faculty development, directs curriculum development, policy and standards, establishes and implements a program reviews, coordinates semester and summer schedules, and the College catalog and other instructional publications.
The Vice President of Academic Services coordinates institutional research related to instruction, administers the annual budget for all academic areas, monitors enrollment management, coordinates off-campus instruction, coordinates contract education, oversees the Advisory Board system, serves as Accreditation and Self Study liaison officer and works cooperatively with both senates.
The Vice President of Student Services is responsible for the administration of all student-centered support services, and supervises a Dean of Student Services and an Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records. The Vice President develops, directs, coordinates, supervises, and evaluates the operations, budgets, and personnel in Student Services, Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS), Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS), Community Education, Title III programs, and CalWORKS and sits on most of the same District and College committees as the Vice President of Academic Services.
The Dean of Student Services works with the Vice President to implement activities and functions and to administer programs in assigned areas. Specifically, the Dean directs and manages the counseling department, Articulation, student activities, Transfer and Career Center, outreach, Tutorial and Assessment Center, and matriculation. In addition, the Dean supervises the Program for Adult College Education (PACE) and Extended Education for Seniors Program (Quest), and leads the Critical Incident Team for support in case of disaster.
The Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records is responsible for all the admissions and records functions. In addition, the Assistant Dean is assigned to administer the financial aid program, international student programs, veterans programs, outreach programs, and college marketing.
The primary areas of responsibility for the Vice President of Business Services are the budget, personnel services, safety and security, maintenance and operations, grounds and facilities, transportation, telephone communications, mailroom and food services. The Director of Safety and Security oversees security, parking, emergency procedures and all other health and safety issues and reports to the Vice President. The Vice President of Business Services and staff work closely with the other college Vice Presidents and Deans to maintain effective services and quality environment that is conducive to educating students.
The Dean of Technology reports to the LPC President and coordinates campus technology. The Dean works closely with College Deans and with the District and Chabot College ITS staff. The Dean, with staff, is developing an Intranet program for more effective communications on campus.
The Director
of Research and Planning reports directly to the LPC President. The
Director works closely with the Vice Presidents of Academic and Student
Services, Deans and faculty for data gathering, for short- and long-range
planning, and program implementation. The Director of Research and
Planning is also the investigative officer for sexual harassment
and discrimination on campus.
The Accreditation Survey shows that a majority of those surveyed responded favorably to the effectiveness of the administration. Given the purpose and complexity of LPC, the campus administrative structure is appropriate and effective. The IPC has endorsed the idea that an additional Dean of Academic Services should be hired to address campus growth, when funds become available.
10B.4 Administrative officers are qualified by training and experience to perform their responsibilities and are evaluated systematically and regularly. The duties and responsibilities of Institutional administrators are clearly defined and published.
Selection and hiring of qualified administrators is ensured through the distribution of detailed job descriptive summaries, careful screening of applications, and a two-tiered interview process that leads to the recommendation for hiring. LPC selects administrators who most closely match the expectations of the job description, who are best qualified for any unique duties required in their particular position and who seem to fit best within the campus community.
LPC administrators
participate in a process of self-evaluation and monitoring by those
to whom they report. The duties and responsibilities of each administrator,
as well as a complete outline of policies regarding administrative
duties are published by the District and LPC and are accessible through
publications, mailings and online.
Based on the Accreditation Survey, the process wherein administrators are hired is generally accepted by the majority of respondents. There has been some difficulty in designing an administrative evaluation process, however; and only 56 percent of administrators agree that they are evaluated regularly and systematically. Other groups had much higher levels of satisfaction with regard to their own evaluations. To address this, LPC should resume discussions between the Academic Senate, the Classified Senate, and the administrators about the design of a new administrator evaluation process and finalize a recommendation to be submitted to the Chancellor for Board approval.
10.B.5 Administration has a substantive and clearly-defined role in institutional governance.
Administrators participate in a wide array of College and District committees such as the Chancellor's Council, Curriculum, IPC, CBSG, DBSG, and Enrollment Management. As active committee members, administrators advocate for their respective areas of responsibility, contribute to discussions and decision making, and provide information about policies and procedures. (10.18)
Members of the LPC administrative staff have a substantive and well-defined role in shared governance at the College and in the District. The Accreditation Survey reflects a high degree of satisfaction with the appropriateness of the administration role in governance. Seventy four percent of those surveyed find the administration's role in governance effective. These numbers suggest a high degree of support for administration participation in the governance of the College.
10B. 6 Faculty have a substantive and clearly defined role in institutional governance, exercise a substantial voice in matters of educational program and faculty personnel, and other institutional policies which relate to their areas of responsibility and expertise.
Faculty members serve on all LPC and many District committees. College committee members are appointed by divisions in proportionate numbers, as described in the Academic Senate Constitution and Operating Rules, and the Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association appoints members to District committees, as does the Academic Senate. (10.36)
participate fully and substantially in LPC governance, especially
in matters related to curriculum,
degree and certificate requirements, grading policies, and educational
program development. Faculty
also assess standards and policies regarding student preparation and
success and District and LPC
governance structures related to faculty roles. Faculty play an important
role in Accreditation
processes including the Self-Study, annual report policies for faculty
professional development, program
review, institutional planning and budget development, Advisory Boards
and other academic and
professional matters as agreed upon between the Board and the Academic
Through participation in shared governance, the faculty is assured that the Board will develop policies on academic and professional matters that rely primarily on the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate, and reflect mutual agreement between the Board and the Academic Senate.
The Accreditation Survey addresses the faculty role in shared governance of the College, focusing on its appropriateness and effectiveness. A strong majority of the full-time faculty (81%) are satisfied with the appropriateness of their role in governance, but only 59 percent found their role in governance effective. Significantly, the full-time faculty's 41percent rate of dissatisfaction is not echoed by any other segment of the surveyed population. In other words, a significant number of full-time faculty feel their role in governance is ineffective, but this feeling is not shared by students, classified staff or administrators.
10B.7 Faculty has established an academic senate or other appropriate organization for providing input regarding institutional governance. In the case of private colleges, the institution has a formal process for providing input regarding institutional governance.
The LPC Academic Senate represents the faculty in matters of institutional governance. The Academic Senate meets twice a month to discuss these issues and specific topics are referred back to the divisions for discussion and recommendation to the Senate.
The Academic Senate consists of four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and senators elected by the faculty. An immediate past president, a representative from the Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association, and an ASLPC representative sit in an advisory capacity.
Responses to the Accreditation Survey regarding the Academic Senate show that a majority of the respondents believe that the Academic Senate is an effective organization that provides appropriate input through shared governance.
10B.8 The institution has written policy which identifies appropriate institutional support for faculty participation in governance and delineates the participation of faculty on appropriate policy, planning and special purpose bodies.
Policies regarding institutional support for faculty engaged in College governance are outlined in the Roles and Responsibilities of and Strategies for an Effective Senate (10.19) and are further defined in the current CLPFA contract (10.20) for full-time faculty. The LPC shared governance document also delineates the participation of faculty in governance. (10.21)
The Accreditation Survey reflects that while the majority of respondents believe that institutional support for faculty participation is appropriate and effective, a fair number disagree on several specific points. Sixty-seven percent of full-time faculty are satisfied with institutional support for faculty participation in shared governance, while 33 percent are not satisfied. The percentage of dissent warrants further scrutiny, even though the majority of the faculty is satisfied on this issue.
10B.9 The institution clearly states and publicizes the role of staff in institutional governance.
Classified staff members participate in shared governance in many ways. Classified staff serve on LPC and District governance committees, and provide a centralized means of communication for the College community. They reward professionalism so that it is properly recognized and valued, develop individual staff leadership, and increase the professional standards of the staff by promoting and supporting activities that develop and increase staff skills, productivity and professionalism. Classified staff participate in shared governance by voicing the needs, concerns and viewpoints of the staff in areas not related to union negotiations.
Reference to staff in LPC policies reflects College recognition of the important role classified staff have in helping to define, plan, and serve the purposes and goals of LPC. But 44 percent of classified respondents to the Accreditation Survey do not agree that LPC clearly states and publicizes the role of the classified staff in shared institutional governance compared to 25 percent of administrators and faculty.
1. Publicize the role of staff in institutional governance and communicate that role to the larger campus community.
10B.10 The institution clearly states and publicizes the role of students in institutional governance.
Board Policy 2018 states that Associated Students of Las Positas College (ASLPC) should participate in Collegial Consultation Process. (10.22) In addition to participating in shared governance, the constitution and bylaws of ASLPC also state that students are elected to participate in student government. Furthermore, the ASLPC Director of Public Relations is responsible for promoting and marketing the organization to the student body at LPC.
The importance of student participation in shared governance is publicized through search committees. Students sit on some hiring committees as voting members, for example there were three student representatives on the recent presidential search committee. They take part fully in writing job descriptive summaries, the paper screening process, and interviewing.
LPC states and publicizes the role of students in shared governance as outlined in Board Policy 2018. (10.22) The Accreditation Survey suggests that students are satisfied (68%) with their role in shared governance of the College, as well as with the appropriateness of that role. A majority of students (62%) surveyed are satisfied with the effectiveness of students in shared governance. It indicated that student interests are being represented, with the student government providing effective leadership and representation for all LPC students. In addition, students surveyed are satisfied with student government involvement in the budget process (58%), the level of current student activities available at LPC (70%), participation on committees (70%), and with the development of educational plans at LPC. However, these student satisfaction rates tend to be lower than other aspects of student experience on campus. Eighty-six percent of students find student government satisfactory with only 14 percent finding it less than satisfactory. Responses seem to reflect a lack of understanding and knowledge of the function and effectiveness of the ASLPC government.
1. Through the ASLPC Director of Public Relations, the ASLPC should expand advertising and promotion of its opportunities for participation in shared governance on and off campus.
C. Multi College Districts and/or Systems
10C.1 The district/system chief executive officer provides effective leadership to define goals, develop plans, and establish priorities for the institution.
As the CEO of the CLPCCD, the Chancellor provides leadership for long-range planning, budget, community relations, shared governance and human relations. This leadership focuses on three groups: the Board of Trustees; the administrators, faculty, staff and students of the LPC and Chabot College; and the administrators at the District offices. The Chancellor assists the Board in making policies for the District by proposing agenda items for their consideration at Board meetings and advising them about issues, changes and events that require their attention. The Chancellor provides leadership for the Colleges by communicating issues and policies emanating from Board policy and by working proactively with the College presidents and District committees on issues of significance. The Chancellor annually prepares goals and objectives to present to the Board. The Board uses these objectives when they prepare the Chancellor's annual review.
The former CLPCCD Chancellor was the CEO when the LPC Accreditation Survey was conducted. The current Chancellor was the LPC President at the time of the survey. The results of that survey evaluate the previous chancellor, and were frequently negative. (10.37) No survey data exists regarding the current Chancellor.
10C.2 The district/system chief executive officer efficiently manages resources, implements priorities controlling budget and expenditures, and ensures the implementation of statutes, regulations and board policies.
The Chancellor initiates prioritization of budget expenditures by establishing goals and objectives for the District. The Chancellor consults regularly with the Vice Chancellor of Business Services concerning implementation of the budget. The Vice Chancellor, operating as the District Chief Fiscal Officer, develops, approves and controls the district budget, as well as with the direction of business and administrative services for the District and its Colleges. The Director of Human Resources, under the direction of the Chancellor, also helps plan and set district priorities, especially as they relate to employee collective bargaining contracts. The Chancellor collaborates with the College presidents and other district administrators and constituents on budget issues as needed. The Chancellor relies on the Vice Chancellor of Business Services as well as the District Budget Study Group in order to review district-wide fiscal services and issues.
The Chancellor is evaluated by the Board based on whether goals and objectives are met and whether statutes, regulations and policies are implemented. As of Fall 2001, the current Chancellor had not been in that position long enough to evaluate effectiveness.
10C.3 The district/system has a statement that clearly delineates the operational responsibilities and functions of the district/system and those of the college.
CLPCCD Board policy, (10.25), defines the general policy and relationship of District services to each College. (10.23) The administrative section of the Board policy also delineates policies for each College regarding their roles within the District. Board policy also requires that the District Chancellor's office be responsible for maintaining the administrative organizational chart for the District.
The CLPCCD Board Policy outlines its philosophy, goals and general objectives and contains the District mission statement and philosophies for each College. (10.24 and 10.25-Philosophy, Goals and General Objectives)
The operational responsibilities and functions of the District and the Colleges are well defined in CLPCCD Board policy. The Board should continue to maintain and update Board policies as needed. (10.25)
10C.4 The district/system provides effective services that support the mission and functions of the college.
The CLPCCD Mission Statement speaks to the District role of providing services, resources, advocacy and policy to the Colleges and supporting the College mission and goals through a decentralized organizational model. (10.31)
The District provides numerous services to the District and the Colleges. The Vice Chancellor of Business Services is responsible for the activities involving accounting, payroll, purchasing and warehousing, and maintenance and operations. The Vice Chancellor of Educational Services oversees the Office of Contract Education and Economic Development. This position has been vacant since Fall 2000. Both Vice Chancellors, as well as the Directors of Information Technology Services, Human Resources, Public Information and Marketing, and the CLPCCD Foundation report to the Chancellor. Services are located at two district sites. One is centrally located between the two college campuses, and the other site houses departments with significant equipment needs, and is located at the Chabot College campus.
The needs of the two Colleges within the District are very different and are given the opportunity to organize and create programs suited for individual college needs by the CLPCCD Mission Statement. Still, the belief persists that cost savings are realized by centralizing many necessary District functions and services. The District has experienced a constant enrollment growth and numerous internal and external changes. According to the Accreditation Survey, 51 percent of the respondents agree that the District provides effective support.
The department of Management Information Systems has changed its name to ITS, Information Technology Systems (ITS). This department is responsible for Banner, the district database for student, financial, and human resource records, the district email system and web servers. Banner Users Groups have been established for each of the major Banner functions and consist of primary users from each of the three sites. The groups have been very successful in increasing communication, identifying training needs and promoting cooperative resolutions. The Banner system is currently in process of a necessary upgrade.
Confusion or disagreement exists at the College level as to the goals and mission of economic development as it relates to the College.
The CLPCCD Human Resources office has responded to the need for decreasing the vacancy period for positions by promptly posting approved position announcements. Yet, concerns remain at the College level regarding District hiring and record keeping processes. The District should review timelines for hiring, orientation and benefits information for administrative and classified staff.
- Work with the District Human Resources office to clarify and streamline the procedures for hiring of staff.
- Clarify the role of LPC in terms of the mission and goals of economic development.
10C.5 The district/system and the college(s) have established and utilized effective methods of communication and exchange information in a timely and efficient manner.
The Chancellor and District promote communication and information exchange in a variety of ways through email, faxes, telephone calls, and campus visits. In addition, meetings between College and District staff are scheduled regularly.
The Chancellor chairs a Chancellor's Cabinet twice each month. Members of this cabinet include each College President, the Vice Chancellors, the Vice Presidents, the Public Information Officer, the Human Resources Director and the Chief Technology Officer. They meet to discuss and ensure implementation of statutes, regulations and Board policies.
The Chancellor supports committees and groups that promote shared governance. The Chancellor's Council meets once a month. This Council includes each College President, the Academic Senate, the Classified Senate, and Student Association presidents, the Public Information Officer, and representatives from the CLPFA, the classified union, and the Administrative Association. This committee consults and makes recommendations to the Chancellor concerning policy development and procedures. The Council provides a forum for discussion of district-wide issues and problems.
The LPC President meets formally with the Chancellor every other week. These meetings keep the College and the District informed as to current events, planning status and problem solving.
The District Budget Study Group meets monthly at either LPC or Chabot College. The DBSG monitors the budget, looks at the overall fiscal situation, discusses revenues, Full-time Equivalent Students (FTES) generation and allocation of funds. The DBSG continually reviews policy and makes recommendations to the Chancellor.
The District Calendar Committee is responsible for setting the Academic Calendar and is guided by the faculty contract (10.26) District Calendar Committee is coordinated through the District and both Colleges. The Chancellor convenes this committee no later than September 15 of each academic year, and recommendations are due no later than November 1 of that same academic year, ensuring timely scheduling of district-wide services.
By order of the Chancellor, the District Enrollment Management Committee has been newly re-established during 2001-02. The Vice President of Academic Services and a co-chair meet with an enrollment management committee at each College and report back to the District committee.
Further exchange of information takes place during Administration meetings. The first and third Tuesdays of the month, the LPC President and three vice presidents meet. On the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, the entire LPC administrative team meets.
The CLPCCD has devised a network of committees with the express purpose of keeping the campus faculty, staff and administrators informed about campus and district-level activities and policies. Results of the Accreditation Survey show that 54 percent agree or strongly agree and 47 percent disagree or strongly disagree that the District and the College utilize effective methods of communication and exchange information in a timely manner. These figures indicate that communication could be improved. (10.37)
LPC and the District need to continue to reach out to all faculty, classified staff, administrators and students. The Internet is an effective tool for disseminating information, as are the campus network systems, email and inter-office mail. The District should see that more information is shared electronically, such as Board policies, and district data regarding enrollment, budgets, and grant projects.
- Encourage and support the availability of more district-related information in electronic form through the campus network or via the Internet.
10C.6 The district/system has effective processes in place for the establishment and review of policy, planning and financial management.
Policy, planning, and financial management in the District are primarily reviewed by the vice chancellors and communicated to the Chancellor before being forwarded to the Board for approval and implementation. The District uses a number of models, including a multi-year model, to review policy, planning and financial management. The District and the Colleges have established numerous planning agendas that enhance programs and course offerings at each campus.
Both the LPC Master Plan and Mission Statement drive the institutional planning and budget planning. (10.30 and 10.31) The Institutional Planning Committee, the College Budget Study Group and District Budget Study Group work together to support the LPC Master Plan.
The charge of the College IPC is to guide overall, long-range institutional planning and policy-making processes for LPC. It reviews the College Mission Statement and approves College goals and priorities. The IPC ensures, through liaison with the CBSG, that all planning and budgeting is integrated, including goals and hiring priorities. The IPC also reviews plans for development of construction or renovation of facilities and equipment acquisitions. The IPC reviews educational master and strategic planning documents for the College and serves as the steering committee for the Accreditation Self Study and strategic planning. Committee members elect a chair as per Collegial Consultation Process.
Membership of the IPC includes the LPC President (ex-officio), Vice Presidents of Academic, Student and Business Services, the Dean of Technology, the Director of College Research and Planning (ex-officio), the Academic Senate President, Classified Senate President, 3 faculty members, 3 classified staff and 2 student representatives. As appropriate, others may be consulted in specific areas of expertise. The IPC is the major planning group of budgeting and facilities; it reviews, prioritizes and makes recommendations to the LPC President for resource allocation of both personnel and material. (10.27)
The IPC part in the planning process focuses on both short and long-term goals that are developed, implemented, continuously reviewed, and updated to respond to the ever-changing needs of LPC students, faculty, staff and the community. Currently, this part of the IPC role is being reviewed to establish a better working relationship with the CBSG in order to accomplish the Master Plan goals. Items discussed at the CBSG level are brought back to the DBSG for review.
The DBSG is a large group and includes the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Business Services, Controller, Director of Maintenance and Operations, 2 College presidents, 2 Vice Presidents of Academic Services, 2 Vice Presidents of Student Services, 2 Vice Presidents of Business Services, 2 College-at-large administrators (1 from each College), 6 Academic Senate representatives (3 from each College), 2 CLPFA representatives (1from each College), 6 Classified representatives (3 from each College), 2 Classified Union representatives (1 from each College), and 2 students (1 from each College). (10.28)
The DSBG works with the IPC and the CBSG to ensure that effective processes are in place district-wide for policy review, planning and financial management. The DBSG reviews policy and makes recommendations to the Chancellor and Board.
The DBSG studies state and community initiatives, College budgets, legislative proposals, federal and state legislative bills or acts, and all issues that may affect the fiscal condition of the District. The DBSG advises the Chancellor and District constituencies about any internal or external matters that affect District fiscal conditions. The group also educates constituencies about system fiscal conditions, including the operation of the District Budget Allocation Model (10.38) and it analyzes current and historical operations of the model and its consequences. Because it analyzes the model, the group also reviews, evaluates, and recommends modifications to the Chancellor and Board about improvements for the model.
The Strategic Planning Team, the IPC, and the CBSG support LPC goals and objectives. Strategic planning drives the goals and objectives via planning models, statistics and goals. The culmination of almost two years' work, the completed Strategic Plan was presented to the Board on January 15, 2002. (10.29)
The implementation of policies and planning agendas has assisted in the District's continuing review of its management and programs. As a result, the District and its Colleges have ambitious planning agendas. The Board and the Chancellor also need to interact with the public in this policy, planning, and financial management activity to create a document that will contribute to the overall District focus and direction.
The figures from the Accreditation Survey relate to the performance of the previous Chancellor. Results of the survey show that 53 percent of staff agree or strongly agree that the Chancellor provides effective leadership to define goals, develop plans, and establish priorities for the institution. Forty-two percent agree or strongly agree, and 57percent disagree or strongly disagree that the Chancellor efficiently manages financial resources. (10.37)
Timely and efficient communications are not necessarily easy because of the inordinate size of the DBSG, and to shared governance process. The DBSG functions best when ad-hoc committees form and conduct research, then return to the DBSG to make recommendations. These ad-hoc committees are volunteer, and attempts are made to include those with the skills and expertise to serve on the committee.
References for Standard Ten
10.1 Board
of Trustees Policy 7003
10.2 Board of Trustees Policy 7012
10.3 Board of Trustees Policy 7010
10.4 Las Positas College Accreditation Midterm Report 8A.4 (November
10.5 Board of Trustees Policy 0005
10.6 Las Positas College Accreditation Midterm Report 8A.3, Plan 1
(November 1999)
10.7 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board of Trustees
10.8 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Equal Opportunity
Employment Policy
10.9 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District/CLPFA Contract 1999-2000
10.10 Board of Trustees Policy 4125
10.11 See 10.2
10.12 Board of Trustees Policy 7011
10.13 See 10.7
10.14 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board of Trustees
Handbook, page 73.
10.15 Las Positas College Accreditation Midterm Report, check page
10.16 Las Positas College, College Governance Policy, December 2001
10.17 Las Positas College Table of Organization, Fall 2001
10.18 See 10.16
10.19 Las Positas College Academic Senate, "Strategies, Roles
and Responsibilities for an Effective Senate
10.20 CLPCCD/CLPFA Agreement 1997-2000, Article 10D.3.C and 10D.3.D
10.21 See 10.16
10.22 Board of Trustees Policy 2018, created January 16, revised July
22, 1997
10.23 Board of Trustees Policy 2012
10.24 Board of Trustees Policy 0005, 0010, 0011
10.25 Board of Trustees Policy 0000 and 2000
10.26 CLPCCD/CLPFA Agreement 1997-2000, Article 8
10.27 Membership and Role of Institutional Planning Committee, Las
Positas College
10.28 District Budget Study Group, Mission Statement
10.29 Las Positas College Strategic Plan, presented at Board of Trustees
Meeting, January 15, 2002
10.30 Las Positas College Master Plan
10.31 Las Positas College Mission Statement
10.32 Las Positas College Accreditation Midterm Report 8A.1, Plan 2
10.33 District Mission Statement
10.34 Las Positas College Accreditation Midterm Report 8A.4, Plan 1,
Plan 2
10.35 CLPCCD Management Evaluation and Professional Development Program
10.36 Academic Senate Constitution and Operating Rules
10.37 Accreditation Survey Results
10.38 Allocation Model