Accreditation 2003

Planning Agenda by Standard

I. Standard One

A. Standard 1.3

1. Ensure that the Mission Statement is used in the planning and decision-making processes of the College.

B. Standard 1.4

1. Complete necessary revisions to the LPC Mission Statement, present the revised statement to the campus community, and then to the Board of Trustees for approval.

II. Standard Two

A. Standard 2.5

1. Review and strengthen communication on shared expectations concerning the principles of academic honesty and the sanctions for violations by adding a statement regarding the policies and principles of academic honesty and sanctions to the LPC Catalog, Faculty Handbook, Student Handbook and all other appropriate College publications. Recommend that faculty include at least minimal notice of these policies and principles in each class syllabus, including where to find the complete policy.

B. Standard 2.9

1. Establish a deadline for all LPC courses to be rewritten or revised to meet Title V regulations.

2. Adopt website policies.

3. Adopt a process for coordination of review and update of all College publications in print or online.

III. Standard Three

A. Standard 3A.1

1. Make better use of essential data in institutional planning and evaluation.

B. Standard 3A.2

1. Evaluate the need for clerical and technical support to the Director of Research and Planning.

C. Standard 3A.4

1. Use an updated institutional effectiveness process to measure LPC performance in terms of how well it is meeting its mission and purposes.

D. Standard 3B.1

1. Develop an improved means of distributing information from IPC meetings to the College community.

E. Standard 3B.2

1. Establish better lines of communication, integration and coordination among the various entities doing planning and find better ways to keep the campus community informed of updates and changes to the major LPC planning documents.

2. Develop a consistent process for integrating the results of program review into the College planning and decision-making process, and tie budget appropriations for various departments to their creation of goals and their work in trying to achieve them.

F. Standard 3C.1

1. Survey students at regular intervals to monitor success of the College mission.

G. Standard 3C.2

1. Facilitate more communication between the faculty and the District Public Information Officer.

2. Create and implement incentives to encourage faculty and staff involvement in the community.

H. Standard 3C.3

1. Review membership and time commitment of the Institutional Planning Committee.

2. Develop a more defined role for the Director of Research and Planning, including implementation of follow-up procedures and integrate the Director's work more fully into the planning processes of the divisions and of the College.

IV. Standard Four

A. Standard 4A.1

1. Conduct regular assessments of community needs.

B. Standard 4A.2

1. Devise and implement a long-term plan for the online program.

C. Standard 4A.3

1. Define, in writing, the process for handling the elimination of programs or significant changes in program requirements.

D. Standard 4A.4

1. Develop additional methods of assessing classified staffing needs across the campus, including the need for additional classified staff that directly support instructional programs.

2. Re-examine the use of classroom space and devise strategies to optimize the use of the existing classrooms.

3. Educate the community about the needs of the College and the benefits that building expansion will provide.

E. Standard 4A.5

1. Design a program of assistance for probationary students.

2. Make information about educational alternatives more available to students through the Counseling Division.

F. Standard 4B.2

1. Institute practices within the institutional program review process to ensure that needed, identified changes to the College curriculum, degree, or certificates are appropriately completed in a timely manner.

G. Standard 4C.1

1. Include a rationale for differences in the AA and AS general education requirements.

H. Standard 4C.2

1. Include the General Education Philosophy statement in both the Adjunct Faculty Handbook (4.33) and in the Curriculum Proposal Handbook.

I. Standard 4D.2

1. Ensure that all course outlines are updated and written in Title V format.

J. Standard 4D.3

1. Institute practices promoting regular review of grade distribution campus-wide and by instructional department to facilitate discussion of common grading standards and philosophies. Devise and implement additional strategies to improve department faculty use of common grading standards.

K. Standard 4D.4

1. Develop a formal articulation agreement between LPC and Chabot.

V. Standard Five

A. Standard 5.2

1. Ensure that the Addendum to the Catalog is readily accessible to students. Identify and implement additional distribution methods to increase student access to the Catalog Addendum.

B. Standard 5.3

1. Identify the students who cannot access counselors and develop a plan to meet their needs.

C. Standard 5.6

1. Develop a plan to address institutional support for student employment services.

2. Implement activities to accomplish Outreach Task Force goals.

3. Ensure that the links to Assessment/Tutorial Center are easily located in both Student and Academic Services areas on the LPC website, and update Assessment and Tutorial Center schedules and information regularly.

D. Standard 5.7

1. Expand support to international students to help them access community-based support programs, including transportation, housing and health care.

E. Standard 5.8

1. Provide information and encourage participation in co-curricular activities and student government to all students for both day and evening.

2. Explore the possibility of incorporating service-learning activities into curriculum.

3. Identify ways to increase student participation in student government, student led clubs, the campus decision-making process, and community-related activities by working closely with ASLPC to advertise the benefits to students of participating in College and student committees

F. Standard 5.9

1. Seek budget priority to maintain the currency of the image scanning system to allow for accurate preservation of student records.

2. Link LPC and Chabot College imaging systems to provide seamless access to all student records within the District.

VI. Standard Six

A. Standard 6.1

1. Replace Assessment and Tutorial Center computers to serve students and meet their demands more efficiently. (Accomplished. September, 2002.)

B. Standard 6.2

1. Develop consistent and timely procedures, ensuring faculty participation for acquiring and maintaining equipment, materials, and software in all resource and multipurpose areas.

2. Redesign and implement a Library curriculum review process that effectively addresses the collection and service needs of new program and course offerings.

C. Standard 6.3

1. Evaluate the need to increase Library hours during the summer term.

2. Expand tutoring in the English Center.

3. Evaluate the need for special equipment and purchase assistive software to serve students with visual or learning disabilities in the English Center.

4. Consider creating open Lab hours and providing instructional assistance in the Math lab.

D. Standard 6.4

1. Evaluate the need to hire permanent instructional technology specialists
in the Professional Development Center.
2. Investigate options to improve the level of support during non-classroom
lab hours in the CIS Classroom and the Visual Communications Lab.

E. Standard 6.5

1. Evaluate the need to increase funding of the Library to provide support for new program and course approvals.

2. Adopt formal procedures to review and replace equipment in classrooms and instructional labs, and to identify and replace obsolete or inadequate software, including a system for prioritizing need.

3. Provide stable and continuous financial support for the LPC website and instructional and faculty web pages.

4. Evaluate the need to increase technical support staff to:
a. implement a proactive maintenance program. In particular, to ensure readiness at the beginning of the school year;
b. respond to problems in a timely manner;
c. provide dedicated support to lab sites to address problems during instruction and allow for student use of labs outside of instructional hours.

VII. Standard Seven

A. Standard 7B.1

1. Standardize adjunct faculty evaluations, ensuring that all adjunct faculty evaluations are actually occurring at specified and frequent intervals.

2. Resume discussions between the Faculty Senate, the Classified Senate, and administrators about the design of a new administrator evaluation process and finalize a recommendation for submission to the CLPCCD Chancellor and for Board approval.

VIII. Standard Eight

A. Standard 8.1

1. Create additional sources of funding, including pursuing a bond and organizing a Foundation to augment capital funds.

2. Assure that faculty and staff are integrally involved in all phases of planning facilities remodeling and construction.

B. Standard 8.2

1. Address the need with the District to provide additional custodial care, maintenance staffing, and grounds personnel to keep pace with the demands of additional new buildings and the expanding landscaping.

C. Standard 8.3

1. Offer all staff additional opportunities to experience the implementation of the Standardized Emergency Management System in order for the College to be better prepared for a catastrophic emergency.

2. Support efforts to discourage smoking by individuals and to enforce the campus smoking policy.

D. Standard 8.4

1. Identify the types of College equipment that may not be adequately scheduled for timely replacement.

2. Finalize a technology plan responsive to change, based on a collegial, inclusive campus-wide review to be coordinated by the Dean of Technology. Integrate the campus plan with district-level technology planning.

3. Examine cost effective options for future technology acquisition and seek alternative funding sources for technology.

IX. Standard Nine

A. Standard 9A.1

1. Increase communication and direct links between the Institutional Planning Committee and the CBSG to ensure that the budget development process is completely integrated with overall institutional planning efforts.

2. Use the newly developed Strategic Plan as the basic foundation for future institutional planning and budget allocations.

B. Standard 9A.2

1. Develop an effective reporting mechanism that will ensure understandable communication of College budgets and expenditures to all elements of the College community.

2. Develop a process for decentralizing budgets and fiscal accountability that will allow College divisions to be responsible for management of assigned fiscal resources within the limits of specified allocations.

C. Standard 9A.4

1. Develop strategies for increasing administrator, faculty, and classified staff and student understanding of financial planning and budget development guidelines and improve communication processes with faculty and classified staff concerning budget development progress so that specific faculty concerns can be addressed at the appropriate time.

D. Standard 9B.4

1. Institutionalize the current plan to establish a separate College foundation and ensure that the new foundation supports College services, missions, and goals.

X. Standard Ten

A. Standard 10B.9

1. Publicize the role of staff in institutional governance and communicate that role to the larger campus community.

B. Standard 10B.10

1. Through the ASLPC Director of Public Relations, the ASLPC should expand advertising and promotion of its opportunities for participation in shared governance on and off campus.

C. Standard 10C.4

1. Work with the District Human Resources office to clarify and streamline the procedures for hiring of staff.
2. Clarify the role of LPC in terms of the mission and goals of economic development.

D. Standard 10C.5

1. Encourage and support the availability of more district-related information in electronic form through the campus network or via the Internet.

Accreditation 2003


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