Accreditation 2003

Standard Five: Student Support and Development

Committee for Standard Five

Bob Wood, Psychology Faculty (Co-Chair)
Jeanne Viriglio, Early Childhood Development Professional Development Coordinator, Adjunct Faculty (Co-Chair)
Lawrence F. Aguiar, Physical Education Faculty
Peggy Carter, Librarian
Greg Daubenmire, Mathematics Faculty
Debbie Earney, Admissions and Records Assistant II
Debbie Fields, Computer Information Systems Faculty
Tim Forrester, Electronics Faculty
Leslie Gravino, Workbase Learning Coordinator
Alene Hamilton, Counselor
LaVaughn Hart, Computer Information Systems Faculty
Donna S. Hawkinson, Counselor Assistant II
Veronica Jennings, Administrative Assistant II/Student Staff Liaison Office Specialist
Ernie Jones, Psychology Faculty
Melissa Korber, English Faculty
Alice Kwan, Admissions and Records Assistant II
Jocelyn Marasigan, Admissions and Records Assistant I
Dee Roshong, Dean of Student Services and Matriculation
Cynthia Ross, Psychology Faculty
Andi Schreibman, Financial Aid Officer
Geoff Smyth, Physical Education Faculty
Angela VenJohn, Student Interventions Developer

Standard 5.1  The institution publishes admissions policies consistent with its mission and appropriate to its programs and follows practices that are consistent with those policies.


In accordance with the Mission Statement, the Matriculation Plan (5.25), and the California Education Code, Las Positas College (LPC) admits students appropriate to its programs. Admission policies are published in the LPC Catalog (5.2), the Class Schedule (5.4), the Student Handbook (5.5), and are available in online versions through the LPC website (5.10). These publications describe policies and procedures related to entrance requirements, matriculation, placement testing, student fees, and academic standards. These publications also provide information regarding admission to various academic programs, degree, certificate, and transfer requirements, and international student enrollment policies.

Admission policies and enrollment procedures are also included in part or in whole in other informational sources such as the faculty and staff handbooks, the Convocation packet, the LPC major college orientation packet, and information booklets and handouts available in the Counseling Office, Admissions and Records Offices, the International Student Office, on brochure racks, and in other offices on campus. On the opening day of each semester and the summer session, faculty receive a memo detailing the College policies governing late enrollment, adding classes, and other procedures. The College also provides a variety of alternative information resources for students with special needs, such as Braille, large print, sign language, and foreign language materials.
Information regarding enrollment and registration procedures for the upcoming term is mailed to all currently enrolled, returning, and new students each semester. In addition, enrollment and registration information is included in the Class Schedule that is mailed to all Tri-Valley households. At registration, students receive up-to-date handouts detailing procedures, important dates and deadlines, and student services on campus.


LPC provides a variety of informative publications detailing its admissions policies and practices. These policies and practices are consistent with institutional mission and purposes. The publications address a diverse range of student needs and are easily accessible for prospective students, currently enrolled students, staff and faculty. The Accreditation Survey reveals that over 90 percent of student respondents and 100 percent of staff respondents agree or strongly agree that these publications meet stated criteria. (5.1)

Standard 5.2   The institution provides to all prospective and currently enrolled students, current and accurate information about its programs, admissions policies and graduation requirements, social and academic policies, refund policies, student conduct standards, and complaint and grievance procedures.


The College provides a variety of informative publications about programs, policies and procedures at the institution. They are revised regularly and available in print and at the LPC website.
The bi-annual LPC Catalog is the primary resource for programs of study and course descriptions, admission, matriculation, registration, fees and refunds, financial aid, veterans educational benefits, instructional services, student programs and services, academic regulations, student rights and responsibilities, student organizations and activities, degrees and certificates, graduation and transfer requirements.

Catalogs are readily available for student use in various departments on the campus. Preparation of the Catalog involves many segments of the College with the Articulation Officer having primary responsibility. A new Catalog is printed every two years. A Catalog Addendum is published on the interim for any additions and corrections to the current catalog. (5.2)

Brochures outlining policies on student rights and responsibilities, sexual harassment, free speech, Americans with Disabilities Act, student conduct and due process, and student grievance are available to students and are posted and published throughout the campus. (5.3)

The Class Schedule is mailed to all Tri-Valley households. The Class Schedule outlines admission policies and courses offered throughout the term. A calendar in the Schedule notifies students of important deadline dates for dropping courses, applying for credit/no credit status, refunds, graduation, holidays, and meeting times for final examinations. Key people who create the Schedule each term check for accuracy throughout the process. As changes occur after the Schedule is published, the College computer system and online schedule are updated immediately. The Admissions and Records and Counseling offices post printed notices of additional classes or changes not found in the printed Schedule. (5.4)

Non-traditional students can access a broad range of information about registration and programs and services available from the LPC website. Information is also available via a special mailing sent out to area employers.

The Student Handbook guides students through the completion of the matriculation process. It contains detailed information on programs and services that the College offers. A Student Educational Plan (SEP), and information on how to earn a degree, certificate, and transfer information is also included. During orientation, campus representatives show students where to find support services such as the Assessment and Tutorial Center, the Learning Resource Center (LRC), Health Center, Career/Transfer Center, Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS), Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), Financial Aid, Counseling office, and Security office. As part of the registration and orientation process, students receive a packet of information with various newsletters, staff contacts in each help center, and the Student Handbook. Materials are revised annually. (5.5)


College publications such as the LPC Catalog, Class Schedule, and Student Handbook are well written and readily available to current and prospective students. The Catalog is the definitive source of policies and procedures regarding programs and services. The College website is updated regularly as changes occur. Although there is a catalog addendum, it is not easily accessible to students.

The Accreditation Survey of faculty, classified staff, and administrators indicates an overwhelming satisfaction (90%) with the ease of understanding the Class Schedule, and the LPC Catalog. One hundred percent of staff agree that "the institution publishes its admission policies and follows practices that are consistent with those policies." (5.1) Additionally, 87 percent agree that LPC provides appropriate, comprehensive, and accessible services to its students regardless of services, location, or delivery method. (5.1)

LPC has a reputation for excellent student services as indicated by the student Accreditation Survey results showing that the vast majority of students are satisfied with the LPC Catalog, Class Schedule, and the convenience of admission processes.


  1. Ensure that the Addendum to the Catalog is readily accessible to students. Identify and implement additional distribution methods to increase student access to the Catalog Addendum.

Standard 5.3   The institution identifies the educational support needs of its student population and provides appropriate services and programs to address those needs.


The admissions application is partly designed to elicit data needed for matriculation and institutional research. (5.6) Many student services programs such as CalWORKS, EOPS, DSPS, and Financial Aid use intake questionnaires. (5.7) LPC counselors refer students to the educational support services as needed.

Ongoing identification of educational support takes place through the Computerized Assessment and Placement Programs (CAPP) for new students. All matriculating students are required to participate in assessment, and orientation is strongly recommended. The assessment process evaluates four skill levels and identifies appropriate placement for students enrolling in English composition, mathematics, and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. Counselors use the assessment information during orientation and group program planning and to assist students to enter appropriate courses. In addition, DSPS offers ongoing assessments of the needs of students with disabilities in accordance with statewide guidelines. (5.8) Midterm progress reports provide students with information on specific areas where academic improvement is needed.

As part of matriculation, counselors assist students in setting academic goals, identifying personal and academic strengths, and developing a Student Educational Plan. (5.9) Students who may need support for special classes, such as study skills workshops, English or math labs, tutoring or other campus services, are referred to those College services as appropriate.

In addition, LPC offers a variety of psychological services including academic and personal counseling through the Counseling office, EOPS, and DSPS. LPC also offers a Student Health Center, access to medical insurance, a peer support program, CalWORKS, a mentoring program, an intramural athletics program, and four inter-collegiate athletic teams.

Academic services that directly support the educational needs of students include: English Center/Writing Center, math learning labs, computer labs, the LRC, Las Positas Technical Support (LaPTechS), internship programs, Program for Adult College Education (PACE), and the Honors Program.

LPC also offers an interactive website that highlights educational and academic support services. Access is provided by links to student and academic services including the LRC, CLASS-web and online counseling. (5.10)

Each fall semester, LPC prepares a Student Characteristics Report (5.11) that identifies, for example, the student population by gender, ethnicity, age, certificate, degree and program information and enrollment status defined as full-time or part-time, day or evening, new or returning. This information is shared at monthly College Town Meetings and is distributed to all departments and local high schools.

As part of the process of accreditation, LPC has surveyed students and staff about the educational services provided by the College. In addition, every three years, Student Services conducts an extensive program review wherein all areas of Student Services collect data, assess performance, and plan for the future. Goals and objectives are established with end-of-year progress reports. (5.1, 5.12)

LPC counselors also administer College Student Inventories, or retention surveys, (5.13) that measure student educational needs. Students receive an interpretative report and are linked to counselors and services. This assessment is administered in Basic Skills English classes and at EXPO, the major college orientation.

In response to the student Accreditation Survey, 90 percent of students feel that faculty and staff refer them to appropriate services and are supportive of their educational plans. However, 22 percent of students respond that counselors are not available when needed. (5.1)


The College is responsive to the educational support needs of its students. The broad category of educational support includes academic and student services. In both areas, LPC does an excellent job in surveying its students to identify their characteristics, their learning and counseling needs and their assessment of available LPC services.

In response to recommendations from the 1996 accreditation process, LPC hired a Director of Research and Planning, who assists in collecting data and assessing institutional effectiveness. In the 1996 Accreditation Report, LPC planned to maintain the frequency of research on student characteristics and needs and to publish the Student Services Program Review. Both of these goals have been accomplished, and this research is conducted annually. (5.14)

In addition, LPC has opened additional open lab hours (5.26) in the Computer Center and Visual Communications Labs, upgraded all labs, and added both a Writing Center and an Honors Program to meet its students' academic needs.


  1. Identify the students who cannot access counselors and develop a plan to meet their needs.

Standard 5.4 The institution involves students, as appropriate, in planning and evaluating student support and development services.


LPC values student input in its decision-making process. This is reflected by student participation in student government, student-led organizations, and cultural events that reflect student interest and educational goals. The shared governance process at LPC includes representation from all constituent members, including students. Inclusion of students in the decision-making process helps to ensure that student concerns are being heard and addressed.

The Associated Students of Las Positas College (ASLPC) provides an opportunity for students to participate in student government both at a local and statewide level. According to the by-laws, ASLPC is composed of two bodies: the Executive Council, and the Student Senate. (5.15) Representatives are involved in student leadership and governance and help shape the future of the campus and the community. Recently, the ASLPC office moved to a more central location in the new Student Center to ensure that student representatives are easily accessible to their constituency. In addition, student groups participate in the Interclub Council (ICC) that facilitates interaction between the different student groups and coordinates funding. (5.10)

Annually, the LPC President requests student representation through ASLPC for each College standing committees. In addition, student representatives have been included in strategic planning activities and the accreditation process. A Student Trustee representing the ASLPC sits on the Board of Trustees. (5.16)


More than 70 percent of students agree that it is important for them to have a voice in the College planning process, the budgeting process and to be represented by student government. However, results from the student Accreditation Survey indicate that most students do not participate in the involvement opportunities available to them.

Standard 5.5 Admissions and assessments instruments and placement practices are designed to minimize test and other bias and are regularly evaluated to assure effectiveness.


The Tutorial/Assessment Center offers comprehensive testing and assessment services for placement in English, English as a Second Language, Mathematics and Chemistry. All of the placement tests meet the guidelines established by section 55524 of Title V (see 5.17, page A9769.12).

English, Math, and ESL placement exam studies were completed in 1999. These studies established the tests' predictive validity, cut score validity and assessed for any disproportionate impact on ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic groups. The level of scrutiny meets Title V requirements for conducting analysis of assessment tests. A Chemistry assessment was introduced in 1998-99. (5.28) This assessment test was approved by the Critical Mass Standard Consortium.

Placement tests are reviewed every six years. This involves looking at content validity and a review of the cut-off score. Content validity is established through faculty input. The cut score is established by looking at student success rates in the courses where they are placed, and by soliciting faculty input.

The Assessment and Tutorial Center also does assessment of learning styles. Career interest assessment is done through counseling classes and on an as-needed basis via computer in the Career/Transfer Center.


In the student Accreditation Survey the overwhelming majority (86%) of the students are satisfied with the assessment process. (5.1)

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Standard 5.6 The institution provides appropriate comprehensive, reliable and accessible services to its students regardless of service location or delivery method.


LPC is committed to providing integrated, effective and accessible student support services. Traditional services such as counseling, assessment, and job postings are available to all students, while some services such as Financial Aid, EOPS and DSPS have special eligibility criteria. Several new programs have begun on campus since the last accreditation, including the Student Health Center, CalWORKS, and the International Student Program. Some programs have expanded over the years, in scope, staffing and availability, to better meet student needs and growing demand, such as Financial Aid, Assessment and Tutorial Center, and the Career/Transfer Center.

Most offices serving students directly are open at least one evening each week, and some, such as the Financial Aid office, the bookstore, the Counseling office, the Health Center and the Admissions and Records office are open four evenings weekly. Several service areas offer regular newsletters for informational purposes, such as the Student Health Center, EOPS, Career/Transfer Center, and CalWORKS. All buildings are accessible to the physically challenged and comply with Federal law regarding disabled accessibility.

Bilingual staff are available throughout the campus to offer assistance in a variety of languages to non-English speaking students. Each year, all staff receive an updated list of bi-lingual College staff in the event an interpreter is needed. (5.18) Currently, only a limited number of Student Services' printed materials are available in other languages. The Financial Aid office provides a Spanish version of the financial aid application and provides informational materials in Spanish published by the Department of Education and the California Student Aid Commission. Admissions and Records has admissions forms available in Cantonese and Spanish. Additionally, equipment and software on campus can translate information into Braille, large print, or audio formats. (5.19)

The College also provides assessment, orientations and outreach activities at local high schools. An Outreach Task Force is coordinating College-wide outreach efforts, creating a more comprehensive and consistent outreach presentations, and determining diverse target populations in the overall community.

Many service areas offer program information and services online. Students may apply to the College online, and may register for courses online or by phone using the CLASS system. Students can view grades and unofficial transcripts online. Most service areas offer websites with varying amounts of information, from general program information to downloading of specific forms. Books can by purchased online through the College bookstore website. Using email, students may correspond with various College offices and programs. A pilot program is currently in place for online tutoring and technology support to enable students to utilize computers better for web-based courses, classroom work and research. An online LPC orientation is in development. (5.10)

All programs that operate under State and Federal regulations and policies meet program requirements based upon specific state mandated audits and/or site visits. DSPS, EOPS, and Matriculation received site visits in 2001-02 and were found to be in compliance and received commendations.

The College regularly re-evaluates its delivery of services and strives to incorporate technological advances into improvements in effectiveness and efficiency. Some of the technology being investigated includes assessment online processes, real-time admissions application processing, and the use of scanning technology to directly enter data into the mainframe system. Additionally, Financial Aid plans to make student financial aid award information web accessible via the Banner database system. The DSPS continually upgrades its software and purchases new hardware to improve assistance levels to students.

Representatives from every support service attend Student Services monthly meetings, where programmatic and institutional information is shared and discussed. This helps strengthen communication and collaboration to ensure that the delivery of services remains appropriate, comprehensive, reliable and accessible.


A large majority of LPC staff responding to the Accreditation Survey regarding College provision of support services agree that the institution provides appropriate, comprehensive and accessible services to its students. Students generally indicate a high level of satisfaction with Student Services according to the Accreditation Survey results. (5.1)

Students involved in College technical and vocational certificate and degree programs would benefit from additional campus based employment services. College connection with the Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center provides a community-based source of job information and services.

Although an Outreach Task Force has been created, implementation is in the infancy stage. Outreach efforts need improvement in reaching more diverse populations in the community.

Current Assessment and Tutorial Center schedules and information are not easily located at the LPC website. Additionally, assessment and tutorial schedules need to be updated on a timely basis on the website. Opportunity for assessment and access to assessment information is limited for weekend students.


  1. Develop a plan to address institutional support for student employment services.
  2. Implement activities to accomplish Outreach Task Force goals.
  3. Ensure that the links to Assessment/Tutorial Center are easily located in both Student and Academic Services areas on the LPC website, and update Assessment and Tutorial Center schedules and information regularly.

Standard 5.7 The institution, in keeping with its mission, creates and maintains a campus climate which serves and supports its diverse student population.


LPC is committed to increasing its outreach and to supporting a diverse student population. This is accomplished through recruitment activities, a comprehensive program of support services, and sponsorship of varied academic and co-curricular programs. Programs such as EOPS, the Career/Transfer Center, the International Student Program, CalWORKS, DSPS, peer support, Women's Re-entry, Quest, PACE and Community Education focus on outreach and retention activities. Academic and co-curricular support for students ranges from counseling and tutoring to the Honors Program. Other services such as Financial Aid and the DSPS High Tech Center provide additional support to the campus' diverse student population.

Student Characteristic Reports are disseminated College-wide by the Director of Research and Planning. These reports are regularly reviewed to determine how closely LPC is achieving its diversity goals and serving the community. Using this information, a College-wide Outreach Task Force coordinates the recruitment and outreach efforts of various student support programs to maximize College diversity efforts. (5.12)

Resulting partly from ongoing College recruiting efforts and partly from changing student profiles, the LPC student body has become slightly more diverse in the last few years. The College exceeds the diversity of the community as supported by census data. (5.27 and 5.11) The percentage of Asian and Hispanic/Latino students has increased, while the percentage of White students has continued a decreasing trend. As of Fall 2002, 93 international students were enrolled. (5.29) To increase campus support for diversity further, the World Cultural Alliance Club is active on campus and coordinates a variety of multicultural awareness activities.

The College has continued efforts to recruit and hire staff from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The World Cultures Alliance sponsors activities for its members and participates in general College-wide activities such as Club Days and diversity conferences. However, from 1995 to 2000, the number of Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Native American, and African-Americans employed by the College has not significantly changed. (5.20)


LPC supports a welcoming atmosphere for an increasingly diverse student population by providing a variety of programs designed to meet the needs of special populations. Faculty encourage student participation in College-life and co-curricular programs by sponsoring student clubs, encouraging student participation in College-life activities, and awarding extra credit for basing assignments on College activities. During the last five years, the increasing numbers and types of student clubs has strengthened the climate of inclusiveness and diversity on campus.

Methods to maintain and improve the LPC campus climate are being addressed within the strategic planning process. High priorities identified to enhance the campus climate and its diversity include internal campus climate survey incorporated into the accreditation survey process; a review and redesign of College operational processes to foster an effective and efficient work environment; improvement of staff and faculty orientations to cultivate a positive and supportive social climate; and an increase in faculty and staff participation in staff development activities, flex days, campus committees, and special functions.

The growing number of international students attending the College enhances student diversity. (5.11) These students attend special orientations to help them integrate into the LPC environment. The ESL program that assists international students and English-language learners in adjusting to their new academic and cultural environment is growing. However, a larger variety of support services would be beneficial and are needed to support LPC international students.

LPC staff and students responding to the Accreditation Survey (5.1) in regard to support for the diverse student population report that an overwhelming 94 percent of students agree that their overall experience at this College is positive. A large majority of students indicate that the instructors encourage them to examine different points of view and are diverse enough to meet student needs. Staff indicate that a large majority believe that the institution maintains a campus climate that services and supports its diverse student population. And, a large majority of students are satisfied or very satisfied with the student services provided on campus.


  1. Expand support to international students to help them access community-based support programs, including transportation, housing and health care.

Standard 5.8 The institution supports a co-curricular environment that fosters intellectual, ethical, and personal development for all of its students and encourages personal and civic responsibility.


Co-curricular programs are coordinated by the ASLPC that is organized into Executive Officers, Senators, and the Inter-Club Council (ICC). The ASLPC moved into a highly visible office in the new Student Center in Spring 2001. A faculty member with 25 percent release time serves as advisor for ASLPC leadership and governance. ASLPC representatives function as committee members campus-wide and in the community, and plan and organize College events. (5.12) Leadership development and orientation programs are provided for student activity and club leaders or club advisors through conferences.

Students in ASLPC plan and implement special events that enrich the campus culture. The ICC supports 21 regular and nine athletic clubs on campus. Average growth over the past five years has been approximately three clubs per year. Each year, students plan awareness weeks, blood drives, Transfer Day, Culture Day, Smoke-out Day, youth suicide prevention activities during yellow ribbon week, and other volunteer events to provide students with opportunities for meaningful involvement in the life of the campus and community. (5.22)

LPC supports a variety of co-curricular programs that help students develop personally and intellectually. The chief financial officer of the ASLPC is responsible for developing an annual budget based on requests from various campus groups in consultation with the Student Senate and Executive Council, as required by the Board of Trustees. The Intercollegiate Athletic Program is the largest program supported by bookstore funds, as well as its largest beneficiary of financial support. Other co-curricular programs supported by bookstore funds include Performing Arts, Peer Support, the Speech and Debate Team, the Tutoring Center, and the new Student Center. (5.15)

Initiatives that support student civic responsibility and involvement under ASLPC direction include Voter Registration Drive, Lobby Day, Red Ribbon Week, National Health Education Week, International Listening Awareness Month and guest speakers. Some instructors incorporate service-learning activities, such as Coastal Cleanup Day, into their curriculum. Students may also participate in community projects such as the Diversity Conference sponsored by the World Cultures Alliance Club, bringing students and the community at large together on issues of tolerance. Volunteer projects change each year according to community needs and student interests.

LPC has a chapter of Psi Beta National Honor Society for Community and Junior Colleges (Psychology). The campus also offers a scholarship program called Alpha Gamma Sigma that provides scholarships and recognition to students for their academic excellence and service.


The number of students participating in College life and co-curricular events has increased during the last few years. The College recognizes the positive relationship formed through student interactions at the College as well as in the community, and has included a Director of Public Relations position in the ASLPC Constitution for 2001 to develop better publicity and greater outreach to day and evening students.

The 1999 LPC Midterm Report states that ASLPC works closely with the LPC Express newspaper to publicize clubs and activities and is trying to increase student participation on campus. (5.21, page 29) With the increased visibility of student government in the Student Center, participation is expected to grow. However, even with increased publicity and information, evening participation is minimal and day participation varies. (5.12, 5.21)

Although service learning is incorporated in some classes, it is instituted on an unofficial basis by individual faculty. LPC has no overall policies or guidelines to ensure appropriate, campus-approved practices and standards for service-learning activities. Currently, instructors who wish to include service learning in their courses have little or no campus support for doing so.

Students responding to the Accreditation Survey about the co-curricular environment answer as follows: approximately half of day students and 75 percent to 85 percent of evening students surveyed have no experience with co-curricular activities. Seventy percent of those who have experience agree or strongly agree that there are sufficient opportunities for extracurricular activities. (5.1)

Though many opportunities for intellectual, ethical, personal and social development exist on campus, many students rarely participate in or have experience with student activities. Many students have work and other obligations that may contribute to this lack of participation.


  1. Provide information and encourage participation in co-curricular activities and student government to all students for both day and evening.
  2. Explore the possibility of incorporating service-learning activities into curriculum.
  3. Identify ways to increase student participation in student government, student led clubs, the campus decision-making process, and community-related activities by working closely with ASLPC to advertise the benefits to students of participating in College and student committees and organizations.

Standard 5.9  Student records are maintained permanently, securely and confidentially with provision for secure back up of all files, regardless of the form in which those files are maintained. 


The LPC Admissions and Records office maintains, stores and verifies all permanent students academic records.

Student records from Summer 1994 to the present are maintained on Banner, an online automated software package. CLPCCD Information Technology Services (ITS) personnel support the Banner system. The server is housed at Chabot College. Data are backed up daily on tape and stored in a fireproof vault in a separate building at Chabot College. Appropriate campus personnel have Banner passwords that expire every six months. Security levels are determined by administrators along with ITS. Employee passwords change yearly.

Currently enrolled students can access their current registration status and academic history on-line. A student PIN number, that is currently their social security number, and a password offer secure student access to online personal information.

To maintain confidentiality and ensure compliance with federal and College regulations, document security levels have been established. Beginning in 1998, the College implemented an image scanning system for electronic storage of permanent records. Document scanning is performed in an isolated, secure office area that is only accessible by authorized personnel. Scanned images are backed up weekly on tape. Copies of the tape are stored in a fireproof safe. Security levels for viewing, scanning, and editing of student records are established by two system administrators. Access to the server is restricted to the two system administrators and is password protected. Designated ITS personnel have security clearance for the purpose of troubleshooting. Electronic student records may only be accessed by authorized viewers. The authorized viewer cannot edit or delete student records. The Admissions and Records administrator must approve requests for access.

Permanent student records for LPC students from 1991 through 1994 are kept in locked fireproof cabinets and have been scanned. Active student records are housed in Admissions and Records, building 700. This area is locked and is accessible to authorized personnel only. Microfilm copies of LPC student records prior to 1994 are located at LPC and the CLPCCD offices. Original microfilm tapes are stored at Chabot College in a fireproof, secure room. The copy of the microfilm sent to LPC is for access only.

All student records are kept confidential and destroyed in accordance with the guidelines of the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). (5.24) All Admissions and Records staff are knowledgeable about FERPA and College guidelines related to student record confidentiality. Information is not released to a third party without written authorization from the student. Records are retained, scanned, and destroyed according the guidelines of Title V Retention Manual. (5.20, Section 59023, page A9853) In addition, computer access to our Banner system is reviewed periodically and access is restricted to a "need-to-know" basis. All users are required to sign an agreement stating they will adhere to FERPA mandates. (5.17)


The document scanning system is utilized for the storage and retrieval of all important student records documents. This process for the maintenance of student records is essential to the basic operational functions of Admissions and Records. Given the critical importance of the document imaging system, necessary funding to cover the costs of hardware and software upgrades as required is essential.

The inter-district document imaging systems are not linked, and so do not provide seamless access to all students records regardless of their specific College location.


  1. Seek budget priority to maintain the currency of the image scanning system to allow for accurate preservation of student records.
  2. Link LPC and Chabot College imaging systems to provide seamless access to all student records within the District.

Standard 5.10 The institution systematically evaluates the appropriateness, adequacy, and effectiveness of its’ student services and uses the results of the evaluation as a basis of improvement.


The Student Services review process has been place since 1995. Each program in Student Services undergoes program review annually and a comprehensive review every three years. Student Services satisfaction surveys are part of the annual planning process, and institutional effectiveness in terms of measurable outcomes has been integrated into the program review and planning processes. Results from these surveys are used to measure the effectiveness of each area. (5.12)

The College has recently updated its Matriculation Plan. (5.25) A College-wide committee oversees the matriculation process according to state guidelines.

Program review, matriculation, and accreditation are all used by Student Services as a basis for review and continued improvement. Administrators and program coordinators submit an annual year-end report outlining progress toward the goals defined in these documents. Student Services groups involved in these processes work closely with academic areas of the campus in the overall planning process.


A complete history and the process outline appear in the Student Services Program Review for August 2001. (5.12)

Program review reports are compiled and submitted to the IPC and to the College President. Additionally, Vice Presidents and Deans review reports as necessary.

Each Student Services department analyzes the findings from their self-study and independently responds to the areas that require improvement.

References for Standard Five

5.1 Accreditation Surveys: Staff and Student
5.2 LPC college Catalog and Addendum
5.3 Student Brochures: Rights and Responsibilities, Sexual Harassment, ADA, Conduct, Grievance...
5.4 LPC Class Schedule
5.5 LPC Student Handbook
5.6 LPC Admissions Application
5.7 LPC Student Services Intake Questionnaires
5.8 LPC Assessment documents
5.9 LPC Student Educational Plan
5.10 LPC Website
5.11 LPC Student Characteristics report
5.12 LPC Student Services Program Review
5.13 College Student Inventories
5.14 LPC Accreditation Report - 1996
5.15 ASLPC Constitution, Bylaws, and Calendar of Activities
5.16 Chabot-Las Positas College District Board of Directors Membership List
5.17 Title V Curriculum and Matriculation Regulations
5.18 LPC Bilingual Staff List
5.19 LPC Bilingual Admission and Records Materials
5.20 LPC Basic Employee Demographics for Fall 1995 and 2001
5.21 LPC Midterm Report 1999
5.22 ASLPC Peer Support Activities Calendar - Fall Semester 2001
5.23 Banner
5.24 Family Rights & Privacy Act 1974
5.25 LPC Matriculation Plan

Interviews for Standard Five

Sylvia Rodriguez, Assistant Dean, Director of Admissions and Records, Equity and Diversity Officer
Sharron Dupree, International Admissions Specialist

Accreditation 2003


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Page last modified: August 29, 2016