Standard Six: Information and Learning Resources
Information and learning resources and services are sufficient in quality, depth, diversity, and currentness to support the institution's intellectual and cultural activities and programs in whatever format and wherever they are offered. The institution provides training so that information and learning resources may be used effectively and efficiently.
Committee for Standard Six
Susan Hiraki, Counselor/Coordinator, Extended Opportunity Programs
and Services (Chair)
Acacio, Transfer Counselor
Carol Clough, Business Faculty
Ijeoma Duru, Student
Alex Edens, Biology Faculty
Jim Gioia, Disabled Students Programs and Services Counselor
Eric Golanty, Health Faculty
Frances Hui, Librarian
Julie Keener, English as a Second Language Faculty
Cecelia Kennerly, Disabled Students Programs and Services Faculty/Coordinator
Sherman Lindsey, Instructional Systems Technician
Pam Luster, Dean of Academic Services, Division I
Michael McGuire, Economics Faculty
Brian Owyoung, Disabled Students Programs and Services Counselor
Linda Peifer, Administrative Assistant
Scott Vigallon, Instructional Technology/Learning Coordinator
Phillip Wasserman, Computer Science Faculty
Barbara Zingg, Biology Faculty
6.1 Information and learning resources, and any equipment needed to access the holdings of libraries, media centers, computer centers, databases, and other repositories are sufficient to support the courses, programs, and degrees wherever offered.
Learning resources at LPC collectively include all of the following areas:
- Library, building 2000
- LPC website
- English Center and Lab, building 400
- Instructional Labs, rooms 803
(Computer Center), 2202, 502 (Math) and 1822
(Science/Technology Center) - Electronics Lab, rooms 804 and 805
- English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) Lab, room 409
- Visual Communications Lab (VCL), room 300
- Professional Development Center (PDC), room 2012
- Disability Resource Center (DRC), room 1510
- Career/Transfer Center, building 900
- Assessment/Tutorial Center, building 1000
For an inventory of equipment in each learning resource area, please see document 6.62.
In support of College educational programs, the LPC Library provides reference and instruction services and access to a collection of books, periodicals, online databases, and audiovisual materials. The Library also houses an open computer lab, rooms for individual and group study, and viewing/listening stations. The Library collection of over 39,000 books and audiovisual materials is listed in the online catalog and accessed through the Library web page. Students may also borrow materials from Chabot College in person or through interlibrary loan. The Library subscribes to 16 online periodical and research databases providing over 5,000 full-text journals, as well as a selection of local, state, and international newspapers.
The 16,000 square foot Library seats 288 students at individual carrels, worktables, and in conference rooms. In the Fall of 2001, the Library added an instruction lab and renovated the orientation area. The new instruction lab has 12 workstations and will accommodate up to 24 students for practical experience using Library online resources. The large orientation area is fitted with a wireless projector and a large pull-down screen. The Library computer lab is open to all currently enrolled LPC students with valid computer use cards. Students can use periodical databases and the online catalog, access the Internet and instructors' course web pages, and use word processing and spreadsheet applications.
The LPC website provides information for students on all aspects of the College. It provides access to other web resources including class registration, learning resources, and links to distance education courses. The process for paying fees online is being tested as of Fall 2002. The LPC website and the instructional and faculty web pages are on servers owned and maintained by LPC. The LPC Webmaster is a professional web designer.
The English Center is a five-room, high tech facility in Building 400 with one large central computer-equipped lab, a small testing and storage room, and two classrooms divided by a somewhat movable partition.
The Computer Center, Room 803, underwent a major renovation in the winter of 2002. New computers, as well as new furniture, updated this lab for accessibility. The Computer Center supports courses in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems (CIS), networking, Unix, ProE, CAD, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), graphics and Fault Assisted Circuits for Electronic Training (FACET).
The Science and Technology Center houses a computer laboratory/classroom used primarily to teach courses in drafting and engineering software, such as Pro?E, Auto?CAD, and GIS. Each student workspace has a computer. A CIS course is also taught in room 1822. These computers contain a wide range of instructional software to support mathematics and computer science courses. Room 1822 usage was reassigned upon completion of the building to include drafting, engineering, geography, and most recently CIS. New hardware was obtained through a campus?wide lease contract with Gateway, Inc. (6.63)
LPC maintains two adjacent laboratories for Electronics classes. The labs support classes in electronics, electronics repair, computer repair and Cisco networking. Classes sufficient to support certification as Cisco Certified Network Associate are already offered. Additional classes are being added each semester to support more advanced certification as a Cisco Certified Network Professional.
ESL computers (Room 409) link to the Internet, and students learn how to access ESL web pages and Library web resources. The English lab is also used for ESL classes in writing and grammar.
Information, learning resources and equipment in room 300 support visual communications courses. The Visual Communications Lab is the only Macintosh lab on campus, and was built to serve classes in high-end multimedia design.
The Professional Development Center, Room 2012, is a resource center that helps faculty and staff learn and use technology, and provides support to all instructional programs. Faculty at the PDC learn the technical aspects of hardware and software, and pedagogical approaches to integrate technology into their curricula. Instructions on using the hardware and software, and pedagogical instructions are available online at the PDC web page for after hours use.
The Disabled Resources Center, Room 1510, offers support services for students with physical, communication, learning, and psychological disabilities. The High Tech Center in the DRC is designed to improve access to resources and equipment for students with disabilities.
The Career/Transfer
Center, Building 900, provides resources and services that assist
students in making informed decisions concerning their educational
plans and career goals. It houses a number of resource materials
both in print and electronically that are available to the campus
community. Since the center is open to the public, it also serves
prospective students who want to research career and transfer options
before beginning or returning to college. Students can access timely
computerized career and transfer information, resource books, university
and college catalogs, videocassettes, and career-focused magazines
and brochures. The Center web page is linked to the LPC website.
The Assessment/Tutorial Center, Building 1000, has two student computers
with Internet access and software that is used in CIS classes. Textbooks
for many core classes are available to students in the center.
Though the LPC Library learning resources, and equipment to assess them, are up-to-date and adequate for some disciplines, the collection is not sufficient to support all the courses, programs and degrees offered at LPC.
In 2001, the original LPC website was upgraded and redesigned to make it more accessible. Plans for further upgrades include incorporating a search tool. Informal feedback on the redesign has been overwhelmingly positive. The College is unable to determine the overall usefulness of the website because it does not collect statistics on the number of visitors, or any of the web links. The web-hosting machines are old and incapable of reliable service.
Equipment users in the English Center are well supported.
Computer Center (room 803) equipment is sufficient to support the courses and programs at this time and to support the open lab for general use. The CIS classroom is modern and will meet instructional requirements for the next several years. Periodic reviews will evaluate the need for later upgrades of hardware and software. The Math lab needs formal procedures to ensure that instructional software is installed before classes start. The lab also lacks particular computer programs that would enhance the quality of instruction. Currently, there is some adaptive technology in the Math lab for students with disabilities.
While the number of Apple computers in the Science and Technology labs is sufficient most of the time, problems arise because Biology lab computers cannot run more recent software and CDs for Anatomy and Physiology courses. Campus computer support staff feel that these computers are obsolete and should be replaced. Certain Chemistry lab learning resources, such as a molecular modeling program, and the Merck manual, could be made available to students over the Internet to allow students 24-hour access to these resources from home. This is possible by purchasing yearly licenses. Internet access would also be ideal for the interactive Anatomy program used in Biology. Extension programs for GIS software will be needed as that curriculum expands.
In Electronics, resource requests are generated by instructor feedback prompted by needs of their classes. The department has depended on Vocational and Technology Education Act (VTEA) dollars to equip the program, but that money is limited. The vocational programs acquire resources on a rotating basis, so the Electronics department is not funded at this time. Computer resources are aging, and electronics is not part of the Gateway, Inc., lease contract.
Classes of up to 35 meet in the ESL lab designed for 24. Students sometimes leave the classroom during in-class assignments to gain computer access elsewhere on campus. Although many useful programs are available for beginning-level students in the ESL lab, beginning ESL students do not meet there, and have no opportunity to be introduced to computers through the English department. ESL and foreign language teachers are continuing to plan for a joint lab. The ESL Lab would be ideal for lab work, for writing, and for cross-language tutoring.
The Visual Communications Lab has state-of-the-art equipment and software that meet industry standards and are adequate for multimedia class requirements. The PDC is sufficient to support courses, programs, and degrees offered at LPC, and the DRC regularly updates adaptive technology equipment, providing efficient services for more students.
The Assessment and Tutorial Center computers are outdated and do not meet student demand efficiently.
- Replace Assessment and Tutorial Center computers to serve students and meet their demands more efficiently. (Accomplished. September, 2002.)
6.2 Appropriate educational equipment and materials are selected, acquired, organized, and maintained to help fulfill the institution's purposes and support the educational program. Institutional policies and procedures ensure faculty involvement.
In accordance with the Library collection development policy, library faculty order books and other materials based on professional reviews and the needs of campus academic programs. (6.8) They also elicit faculty recommendations for new purchases (6.9) or suggest removal or replacement for out-dated materials. Faculty proposing new curriculum submit a form indicating that they have consulted with Library faculty to confirm adequate resources in that subject. (6.10) The Library web page invites student recommendations for collection additions.
The LPC website is maintained by a webmaster, but instructional and faculty web pages are maintained by individual faculty or staff. Equipment supporting the College website and instructional web pages is selected and acquired by the Senior Instructional Network Systems Specialist in consultation with the Dean of Technology and the Vice President of Business Services. Faculty are involved in the selection process through the Technology Committee.
English Center computers are used mostly for word processing, so Microsoft Office software has been chosen for its PCs. The use of on-line tutorials provided by the publisher of the English 100 textbook, Real Writing, is being piloted. A web page that brings together 10 Online Writing Lab (OWL) service links has been developed, and is installed on lab computers. The OWL page is available at the LPC website as one of four rotating English center web pages and English faculty are currently studying the best way to use the OWL that was introduced in some classes in Fall, 2001 with evaluation to follow.
The Computer Center remodeling project is another example of how LPC selects, acquires, organizes and maintains appropriate educational equipment. Input and cooperation among the faculty, staff, and administrators, with the leadership of the CIS Coordinator, led to successful implementation. Improvements are allowing the introduction of the STARS student enrollment system. STARS collects non-credit student contact hours only. The CIS Coordinator solicits educational software needs from faculty who teach in room 803, and the computers in the CIS classroom were selected by a group of faculty and administrators, based upon a jointly developed technical specification. The acquisition and organization of the software and hardware for the Math Lab are under the supervision of the Math Coordinator who communicates with instructors and supports their efforts to acquire needed software.
The science faculty had strong input into the selection of equipment and software when the Science/Technology building opened five years ago. Since that time, update request procedures are used when there is a special state grant for instructional equipment money. Computer upgrades, like the ones in room 1822, are the result of faculty, administrator, and staff discussions at meetings. In order to accommodate CIS courses, the Windows 2000 operating system was added in the summer of 2001. Software for individual courses has traditionally been selected by appropriate faculty.
Equipment requests in Electronics are generated by faculty needs, and the ESL faculty and coordinator evaluate and select curriculum and computer programs. Hardware was selected for compatibility with the English Center. Las Positas Technical Support (LaPTechS) provides technical support for these computers. LaPTechS began as an innovative social entrepreneurial venture in 1999, and the business is now the computer support Help Desk the entire campus. LaPTechS provides students with hands-on training, prepares them for competitive employment, and provides unique opportunities for women re-entering the workforce in non-traditional jobs.
The Visual Communications Lab faculty had strong input for the selection of equipment and software when it was established in 1999. Since then, there has been less opportunity for input to update or maintain the equipment.
LPC has made a major commitment to in-class presentation equipment, planning it into every new or remodeled classroom. (6.20) The Instructional Systems (ITS) department familiarizes faculty with classroom equipment as well as the many other services that they provide. Faculty, staff, and administrators can easily request equipment not already in the classroom. The ITS department answers trouble calls when an instructor encounters malfunctioning equipment (6.16). Faculty who use the equipment in computer instructional labs generally have input into the selection, acquisition, and organization of equipment and software to varying degrees, depending upon the center.
Hardware and software for the PDC were originally acquired through a Title III grant managed by faculty, who had input into the selection of hardware and software. The Instructional Technology/Open Learning Coordinator, who currently oversees the PDC, has updated most of the hardware and software over the past three years. The Coordinator consults periodically with specific faculty about new hardware and software to be added as funds become available.
When the DRC was established, appropriate faculty had input into the selection of equipment. This is now the responsibility of the Adaptive Technology Specialist.
Counselors and other staff, in collaboration with some academic faculty, select appropriate materials and equipment for the Career/Transfer Center to help supplement and enhance instructional programs. The electronic equipment in the Career/Transfer Center is available to students for researching educational, career, scholarship, and employment information.
Since the Tutorial Center is a small operation housed in the Assessment Center, it usually gets equipment from areas that have had their equipment upgraded. College support staff provides maintenance.
In the accreditation survey, 87 percent of LPC faculty, classified staff, and administrators agreed that they are adequately involved in the selection of Library materials that support their program areas. (6.11) Although current curriculum proposal processes require the Library collections and services to be reviewed when a new program or course is proposed, the actual practice of this process has not been effective. Librarians feel that the process is not taken seriously by faculty, and is not supported by the budget.
When the website was redesigned, interested faculty had informal input into an inclusive process. Whereas the College Webmaster consults with faculty and staff regarding content of the LPC website, there is no faculty, staff, student, or administrative group or committee responsible for oversight of content on the instructional websites. A draft of a web-use policy has been written but has not been adopted.
Under the leadership of the Vice President of Business Services, Instructional Technology Systems became involved in a consultation process with the faculty to set up a new computer laboratory in room 803. This three-way consultation system helped the College get the most useful technology for the cost. Most faculty who teach in the computer laboratories are involved in the decision of what equipment and/or software is needed in the classroom. (6.16) More administrative consultation with the faculty and staff of the Computer Center would enhance the implementation of the STARS system. The equipment selection process for the Computer Classroom utilized the combined knowledge and experience of the best qualified faculty and administrators. The resulting lab is a testimony to the effectiveness of the process in some areas. The maintenance procedure, however, needs more support to become proactive in preparing computers for the start of instruction each term. For example, if there is no state instructional equipment grant that year, there are no formal procedures to ensure that software needed by instructors to teach classes in the Math Lab is installed on the computers before the start of classes. There are no institutionalized opportunities to submit yearly requests to update hardware and software in the Science/Technology Labs, and the system for maintenance of the hardware and software in room 1822 is sufficient but could be improved.
As a result
of the diverse usage of the Visual Communications Lab, a written
procedure on how equipment in the Lab is to be used needs to be prepared.
A reflection of the inconsistent processes used by ITS appears in the
staff Accreditation Survey where 43 percent of the employees felt that
the periodic replacement of College equipment is scheduled inadequately.
Yet, 78 percent of the respondents agreed that the available equipment
is appropriate and adequate for them to carry out required work responsibilities.
(6.18) This inconsistency suggests the institutional need for reliable
methods of equipment maintenance and acquisition. The level of maintenance
for the computers with high, demanding usage needs improvement. The
ITS staff at LPC have more tasks and work to accomplish than there
has been time or staff. They have done an admirable job under the conditions,
with the help of the LaPTechS program. More technical support is needed
in order to provide proactive maintenance for instructional technology.
Although software changes may be convenient and efficient for ITS at the district level, these changes may be either inconvenient and/or inefficient for College employees. In fact, such changes impose hardships on both faculty and staff since most faculty and classified staff have developed specialized instructional documents and personal resources over years of use. The District ITS department needs to consult more with its end-users at LPC before making changes that impact the campus. Some faculty feel that in today's world of technology integration, old and new standard software need to be supported with upgrades during transition periods. (6.19)
Expensive instructional technology, provided through a campus commitment to classroom upgrades, goes unused during some class hours. This results from little faculty involvement in expenditure decisions and from the classroom assignment process used by the College. Additionally, office hardware and software have been changed by ITS without sufficient input from or notification to either faculty or classified staff. (6.17) Even though the goals and dedicated work of IT staff are commendable, an improved updating process should be developed. Periodically, external forces, such as grants, direct equipment and software changes that are beyond the influence of the ITS staff.
There has not been a formal process for faculty input on the selection, acquisition or placement of the equipment (such as overhead projectors) provided in lecture and multipurpose classrooms. The role of the Technology Committee and of the faculty needs to be clarified in the classroom equipment decision-making process. In addition, the College needs to understand the impact of grants on technology.
The staff Accreditation Survey reported that 79 percent of faculty and classified staff believe that they are informed of new developments in learning technologies for possible acquisition. (6.17) Since no line item exists in the budget for capital equipment, "as needed" and "as wished" equipment and software lists are prepared. These informal requests follow an inconsistent process for gaining funding from grants and special state funds. (6.15) A well-defined and well-understood process is used when the state grants money for instructional equipment. Outside of this circumstance, most of the campus does not understand how to acquire additional equipment or software.
The Dean of Technology is currently working on the LPC Technology Plan that will, in part, cover computer software and hardware acquisition, and the policies and procedures to centralize future software and hardware purchases for efficiency. The plan will ensure that ITS maintenance staff have a complete record of the software installed throughout the campus. Faculty feel this is a good idea, as long as the faculty still have the opportunity to arrange purchases of specific software from specific vendors. A technology policy should include a yearly survey of full-time and part-time faculty using the lecture classrooms and computer laboratories to determine appropriate technology levels.
Faculty need systematic, timely and sufficient input in determining policies and procedures for acquiring equipment and materials. Whereas some departments, programs and centers are satisfied with their process of resource acquisition, others wanted modifications in the process. Lack of consistency, communication and understanding throughout the College is the concern.
- Develop consistent and timely procedures, ensuring faculty participation for acquiring and maintaining equipment, materials, and software in all resource and multipurpose areas.
- Redesign and implement a Library curriculum review process that effectively addresses the collection and service needs of new program and course offerings.
6.3 Information and learning resources are readily accessible to students, faculty and administrators.
LPC strives to ensure that information and learning resources are readily accessible to students, faculty and administrators. All available resources operate at their maximum capacity, based on funding and program resources. The Library hours and services are publicized on its web page, in handouts, and in various campus publications. Library and resources are available to students, faculty, and staff during regular hours of operation. The Library maintains reduced operating hours during the Summer term. Many Library resources are available after hours through the Library web page that is updated daily as needed. Library faculty and staff are available to students and other patrons whenever the Library is open, and students may contact the Library faculty for reference assistance by telephone or email. Library faculty conduct orientations tailored to specific classes, hold orientations for new faculty, and teach library skills, Internet research skills, and Title III funded workshops on research skills and strategies.
Library design includes wide aisles and automatic doors to accommodate people with disabilities. The Library does not order large-print books, but has software for students with visual impairments, and an adjustable workstation provided through DSPS. The Library is reviewing its catalog of 4,000 video-recordings for closed captioning. To ensure compliance with regulations set by the Department of Education (DOE), the Library orders videos with closed captioning. Librarians are working with DSPS to add captions to some videos that were purchased before this DOE ruling.
The LPC website and instructional web pages are easy to access. Faculty access their own instructional web pages without having to go through the Webmaster. Computers are available throughout the campus for those without access at home, including a computer in each faculty office. The Alternative Media Technology Specialist ensures that the all web content is accessible to students with disabilities. Development and maintenance for two College websites allows for controlled student, faculty, and staff access to student records, College programs and services, class registration, instructor web pages and links to other websites of student and faculty interest.
The English Center lab holds open hours. and ESL instructors and the ESL/English Specialist are available at other times as well. The main door to the English Center is automatic, and facilities and computers in the main room are wheelchair accessible. The ESL lab is open only when an instructor is present. The door will accommodate a wheelchair, but some furniture inside the room needs to be removed to do so. The ESL lab has no special software for students with learning or visual disabilities.
The Computer Center is an open lab with a push-button door and a ramp for wheelchair access. An adjustable workstation that can accommodate a wheelchair user has been ordered and appropriate software for visual impairments is being purchased.
Historically, the lab in the CIS Classroom has been available to students only during regularly scheduled class hours. In the Spring semester of 2001, student assistants were hired to make the lab available at other times as well. Entrance to the CIS Classroom and the aisles are wheelchair accessible, as are all workstations. Appropriate software for visual impairments has been purchased and should be available for use by Spring 2002.
The Math lab is available to students only during regularly scheduled class hours. The door to the Math lab is not power-assisted, but is wide enough to accommodate wheelchair users. Software for students with visual impairments is available.
All science computer labs are open to students only during class time or when an instructor is holding office hours in one of the labs. Equipment in all science labs is accessible to students with physical disabilities. Recently, two computers that run the GIS program have been installed in the Computer Center because it is open for longer hours.
Electronics labs are open outside of class time if someone is in the adjacent LapTechS office. Currently, no support help is assigned to the Cisco program to keep the lab open, although a position has been authorized. Worktables and equipment are at a height accessible to wheelchair users, and doors to the two labs, while not power-assisted, are accessible to wheelchair users.
The Visual Communications Lab is at capacity almost all the time, especially on Monday through Thursday evenings. Design students find it difficult to access the lab outside of class hours since it is locked if there are no assigned classes or lab hours. Design students take a required class so that they can learn how to use the lab; consequently, they can effectively utilize more of the lab features than students from other programs, but they do not necessarily get priority access to the room. To date, various programs are using the VCL, ranging from the primary function of graphics to music and English. (6.8)
The Professional Development Center is available to all employees Monday through Saturday, or whenever the College is open, except during scheduled workshops. The PDC web page is available to anyone, including students, who have Internet access. Since the PDC was designed for employees only, students do not have access, except online.
Disabled Resources Center staff and the Assistive Technology Specialist are responsible for seeing that adaptive technologies are available in all labs, and they have equipped the High Tech Center specifically for accessibility to all students with disabilities. The Center provides note-takers and sign language interpreters wherever needed on campus.
The Career/Transfer Center hours are posted on the entrance door and publicized on its web page and in a number of College publications like the Class Schedule. Hours of operation vary to spread resources effectively and provide access to day and evening students. The Center is accessible to people with disabilities.
Located in the center of the campus, the Assessment and Tutorial Center provides support for students' educational success. Building 1000 is also used for assessment of incoming students and the room is used for new student orientation as well. The Tutorial Center is piloting an online tutoring service (SMARTHINKING) that offers assistance to students in core courses. This building has ramp access, and tutoring services are free.
Instructors can request media equipment for the lecture and computer classrooms whenever the College ITS Department is open. Requests and queries about equipment availability can be made on the web page any time. The ITS staff can be reached for immediate media technical support by voicemail, email or cell phone.
Most learning resources are accessible to students, faculty, staff and administrators each day during the week and in the evening, with some programs exploring and offering online access to create 24-hour, seven days-per-week access.
While the hours for the Library during the fall and spring semester are adequate; summer hours are reduced. In the Accreditation Survey, LPC faculty, classified staff, and administrators responded positively to the availability of Library resources as follows: 82 percent agree that Library hours of operation are adequate; 84 percent feel that the Library support staff coverage is adequate at all hours of operation; 96 percent believe that Library materials and orientation address the needs of traditional and non-traditional students. LPC students are even more enthusiastic about Library hours of operation by an 87 percent agreement that the service hours are adequate to meet their needs. Assistive technology is available in the Library, but needs to be updated.
The Webmaster and the Assistive Technologies Specialist are working together to assure that the College website complies with state and federal regulations.
The College has no writing tutors available for students in the evening when the English Center is holding classes and the Tutorial Center is closed or unavailable because of assessment testing. No tutoring services are available on Saturday in either center. The Tutorial Center is piloting an online service that can connect students with tutors in writing and grammar to fill this void in accessibility for students. The English Center Online Writing Lab web page being piloted offers lessons in specific writing problems and in the writing process. This gives students access to help 24 hours a day. Equipment is limited in the English center for students with visual or hearing disabilities, and assistive software is not available for students with visual disabilities.
When the Computer Center was remodeled, it was constructed to be accessible to all students. Operating hours are sufficient. Open lab hours in the CIS Classroom have proven beneficial. Selection and training of lab assistants is key to the effectiveness of this plan. Adding a partition to room 803 to separate the open lab area from the lecture area would provide a better learning environment.
The resources in the Math lab would be more effectively utilized if it were available to students at times other than class hours.
Current arrangements for student access to computers in the Science labs is adequate but could be improved. Although students have access to two computers with GIS software in the Computer Center, student projects that were begun on computers in 1822 do not always run correctly when reloaded onto computers in 803. Student access could be improved by hiring a lab assistant for supervision. The presence of two operating systems has caused some inconveniences for the users of the drafting, engineering, and GIS software because a switch must now be turned on boot?up to change to NT whenever the computers are used for non?CIS programs. General accessibility, however, has some limitations. Students do not have access to the Science computer labs if no instructor is present. More computers need to be available to program students and/or longer access times to the computers in room 1822.
The Electronics lab relies on an adjacent, unrelated program for its support coverage. LaPTechS employees provide coverage but are frequently called out of the office, further limiting student access. It is currently impossible to use machines for lab while a class is in session. Computer projectors in both rooms are relatively low-resolution, presenting some problems for people with normal vision, and worsening problems for students with visual disabilities. Equipment for visually impaired students should be evaluated.
Large classes make it difficult to use the computers in the ESL Lab as a part of instruction and it is generally closed at other times. This room could be used as a language lab to supplement both English and foreign language instruction if staff were hired to work with students during afternoon hours when classes are not being held. The ESL department and foreign language departments will continue discussions to determine the most accessible room usage.
The Visual Communications Lab is readily accessible to students only when there is an instructor on duty. Design students find it difficult to access the lab outside of class hours. No staffing exists to open the lab outside of class hours. Other classes and programs need to use Mac software, limiting access for Visual Communications students who need project time in the Lab outside class hours, and resulting in a lack of accessibility for design students. Equipment in the VCL is accessible to students with physical, visual and hearing disabilities.
Workshops taking place in the PDC may limit the times when employees can use the center on a drop-in basis. LPC should evaluate the assistive technologies available in the PDC for faculty and staff with disabilities. After installation and use, the PDC should critique the suitability of assistive technology in student labs and classrooms for use by instructors with disabilities.
routinely updates adaptive technology equipment. As the technology
improves, more students can be served.
Concern exists that the Career/Transfer Center is underutilized despite
the high quality of its services. The center needs to expand its outreach
to LPC students and community so that more people will take advantage
of resources and services. Computers and other equipment need to be
evaluated for their efficiency and whether or not they comply with
the needs of people with disabilities.
The Assessment/Tutorial Center is readily accessible to students, faculty, and administrators during daytime hours Monday through Thursday. The Coordinator/Instructor reports positive feedback from the entire campus community regarding its central location. (6.2) The Tutorial Center has an arrangement with the Library that if building 1000 is closed, such as in the evenings, tutoring services are held at the Library. Students can also apply for a tutor online at the Tutorial Center web page; however, that page is not listed on the LPC main web page and can be found only through the Counseling link. More staff is necessary for the Tutorial Center to be open on Fridays for test proctoring, drop-in tutoring by faculty, or for student tutors to meet with tutees.
The ITS staff is responsive to faculty requests for assistance in the classroom with troublesome equipment. They can set up equipment necessary to use microphones for instructors who may have a hearing-impaired student. They also install assistive technology software.
- Evaluate the need to increase Library hours during the summer term.
- Expand tutoring in the English Center.
- Evaluate the need for special equipment and purchase assistive software to serve students with visual or learning disabilities in the English Center.
- Consider creating open Lab hours and providing instructional assistance in the Math lab.
6.4 The institution has professionally qualified staff to provide appropriate support to users of information and learning resources, including training in the effective application of information technology to student learning.
LPC designs all of its job descriptions to insure that professionally qualified staff are hired and retained. Administrators in all learning resource areas ensure that employees are available to adequately support College information and learning resources. The LPC staff and faculty development program, and employee training programs keep information and learning resource staff up to date on the application of information technology to student learning. See Standard 7C.1 for more staff development information.
The LPC Library has four full-time and four part-time Library faculty members. One of the full-time faculty serves as the Library coordinator. The Library is also staffed by two full-time and two part-time classified employees who are trained for their area of service, as well as for public service. The Library also employs students, who assist in technical processing, public service, and computer tutoring. All Library staff are encouraged to attend workshops, seminars, or training sessions to improve or update their skills.
The LPC website is maintained by a professional web designer. This Webmaster also trains faculty and staff in creating web pages. The Instructional Technology/Open Learning Coordinator trains faculty on the construction of instructional web pages and online courses. Two temporary, part-time instructional technology specialists have ample computer experience and are trained to use the hardware and software in the PDC assist faculty and staff.
Four instructional assistants with a high level of computer literacy staff the English Center. A writing specialist is also in the center 10 hours per week to serve students in multiple disciplines. English faculty hold one office hour per week in the lab or on-call in their offices. Instructional assistants provide continuity because they are in the center all day, and also because of their long tenure with the program. An additional lab hour with assistants is available for English 100 students. Title III funds have enabled the center to offer all LPC students help with writing skills such as researching, composing, improving proofreading techniques and editing skills, and writing College applications and essays.
The Computer Center has a qualified staff by virtue of both formal and informal preparation, and academic and business-world backgrounds. In particular, current staff have computer experience, including two who have earned certifications in network administration and engineering. Instructors staff the CIS Classroom during class hours. During open lab hours, student assistants skilled in computer science support students.
Qualified personnel are available to aid students in the Math Lab, the Visual Communications Lab and the labs in the Science/Technology building during class hours. Instructors frequently attend workshops, obtain information on software updates, and then provide this information to their students. The Visual Communications Lab currently has one full-time faculty member, four adjunct instructors and an instructional assistant.
Two full-time and four part-time instructors staff the Electronics labs. Part-time instructors all have academic training in the field and extensive industry experience. All instructors in the Cisco program are Cisco-certified.
In the ESL program, instructors are responsible for training students to use available technology. Instructors get their training from the Professional Development Center. An ESL specialist staffs the lab for six hours a week and ESL instructors hold regular office hours in the center.
Current PDC and DRC staff exceed the requirements of their position announcements. The Instructional Technology/Learning Coordinator has a master's degree in Instructional Technology, along with a teaching credential and teaching experience. The Webmaster has a master's degree in Multimedia. Two temporary instructional technology specialists who work on projects and support College employees requesting help also staff the PDC. Both of these specialists have appropriate technology experience.
The Career/Transfer Center has a full-time faculty Transfer Center Counselor/Director. In addition, the center employs a full-time classified Center Coordinator.
The Tutorial Center staff is comprised of a certificated Tutorial Programs Coordinator/Instructor, Classified Staff Assessment and Tutorial Specialist, and three student assistants. The center also employs 30 peer tutors. Staff are trained through the College Reading and Learning Association.
The Dean of Technology oversees the ITS department, that includes an ITS Specialist/Supervisor, one full-time ITS Technician, two part-time ITS Technicians, and one Student Assistant. These staff members have the knowledge and skills to update classroom and office equipment, and to train faculty and staff.
Information and learning resources staff are all professionally qualified. LPC students are very satisfied with the knowledge and helpful attitude of staff. Student Accreditation Survey results for each center are listed below.
- Career/Transfer Center: for knowledge of staff and 92 percent for helpful attitude of staff
- DSPS: 93 percent for knowledge of staff and 95 percent for helpful attitude of staff
- Tutorial
Center: 91 percent for knowledge of staff and 90 percent for helpful
attitude of staff
Ninety-four percent of students rated the Library staff as providing helpful assistance to them.
While the Library has added a new Library faculty position and one and a half classified staff since the last self-study, LPC still falls short of the Standards for Community, Junior, and Technical College Learning Resource Programs published by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). ACRL recommends that a College serving a student body of 3,000 to 4,999 FTEs should have at minimum, one administrator, five professionals, nine technicians and other staff. (6.43) One full-time classified staff position is funded through a Partnership for Excellence (PFE) grant.
Excellent instructional assistants in the English Center helped create the demand for more open lab time, but their workload is heavy. Administration of the center requires more than the amount of reassigned time currently available. The English Center is piloting an increase from four to eight hours during the Fall 2001 semester-a change the faculty hope will be permanent. Since the English department has 20 adjunct instructors, a great deal of administrative work is necessary to maintain the continuity of the English 100 program.
Current staffing in the PDC is sufficient to support courses, programs, and degrees wherever offered. In the future, it may be necessary to make the two temporary specialist positions into permanent positions. As the College makes a push toward online learning and integrating technology into the curriculum, faculty will need additional support.
The staffing during non-classroom hours in the CIS Classroom is limited by budgetary considerations. Ideally, an instructor or instructional assistant would be available during those hours, but that is not currently the case.
The staff in the Career/Transfer Center, the Science/Technology labs, and the Electronics labs range from well qualified to exceptional. The Career/Transfer Center currently supports day students very well. Electronics instructors report difficulties in attracting qualified adjunct staff in sufficient numbers, as our pay for adjuncts is relatively low, and outside opportunities are lucrative in this field.
Students in the Visual Communications Lab need more technical assistance beyond their class time in order to complete assigned work.
A Dean of Technology was hired in late Fall 2001 and, among other duties, will oversee ITS.
- Evaluate the need to hire permanent instructional technology specialists in the Professional Development Center.
- Investigate options to improve the level of support during non-classroom lab hours in the CIS Classroom and the Visual Communications Lab.
6.5 The institution provides sufficient and consistent financial support for the effective maintenance, security and improvement of its information and learning resources.
LPC allocates an annual amount to acquire books, periodicals, microfilms, media and electronic databases for the library. Block grants provide additional support for new acquisitions, equipment and staff. Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP) grants have funded the automated catalog accessible via the Internet, and the licensing of online databases. Computers and other instructional equipment in the Library are repaired and maintained by the ITS staff and a Library student assistant. The College budgets for hardware and software and for equipment leases and purchases for the library. Books, technology, and supplies provide resources in specific areas of student life and for specific student populations. Funding for these programs can come from consistent and reliable categorical budgets and/or the general budget.
Many of the classroom, instructional lab and staff development resources are purchased or leased with Title III funds, Instructional Block Grants, Vocational Technical Education Act (VTEA) funds, and capital outlays for new and refurbished buildings. New equipment is purchased on an as-needed basis via instructional block grants. Maintenance in the Computer Classroom is provided on an as-needed basis. LPC has a Smart Net account for maintenance of the Cisco equipment in the Electronics labs. Other computers are maintained by LaPTechS and ITS staff. There is currently no explicit provision for maintenance of non-computer electronics equipment, and there is a growing stack of electronics equipment awaiting repair. The Webmaster develops and maintains the LPC website, and individual faculty members develop and maintain their instructional web pages. Software for the website is purchased from the LPC campus-wide software budget. The PDC has a budget for materials and supplies.
For the academic year 2001-02, LPC budgeted funds for the purchase and licensing of software campus-wide. In Fall 2001, money was supposed to have been allocated to purchase a new server or to outsource this service. Website maintenance is the responsibility of the Webmaster.
The College provides funding for the staff and some money for staff training for the ITS staff, who maintain instructional equipment and computers throughout campus. The LPC budget provides for the purchase of parts and supplies for the repair of equipment. Requests for new software purchases or upgrades are made to the Senior Instructional Systems Specialist; if funds are available, requests are granted.
A variety of measures ensure the security of equipment. At some sites, equipment is bolted or locked to tables or workstations. Instructional labs are locked unless an instructor or authorized lab assistant is present. Classified staff and faculty monitor resources available for student use at student support service sites. Library books are magnetized to prevent unauthorized removal from the center. Computers have virus protection software.
LPC has hired a Dean of Technology to coordinate the management of College technological needs. In addition, LPC has a leasing program with Gateway, Inc. that allows for the hardware replacement in some areas every two or three years.
While LPC Library resources are up-to-date and include a wide range of print and electronic media, College growth and program expansion pose a challenge. According to the ACRL, LPC spends less than is recommended on books and other print materials but is within guidelines for spending on audio/visuals and serials. Although recommendations are made to purchase materials for new programs and courses during the curriculum proposal process, financial support from the College is not always adequate.
Two College web servers are maintained by ITS. Other than funding the webmaster position, no ongoing budget exists for equipment and software to support these servers. Prior funding for establishment and maintenance of the LPC website, and the hardware and software for the instructional and faculty web pages, came from grants. There is no ongoing budget to replace hardware at the PDC.
the constantly changing nature of hardware and software technology,
financial support for upgrades as well as on-going maintenance varies
with the specific needs of each resource area. Some instructional
sites require more frequent updates. Funding for the CIS Classroom
is usually available for software to support the courses taught in
this lab. Hardware upgrades will occur every two or three years by
the computers' manufacturer under the terms of the computer lease
contract (6.61) for the Computer Center. Due to high student utilization
of these areas, maintenance, security, and improvement of information
and learning resources require immediate financial support to allow
uninterrupted availability for instruction.
The English and Visual Communications labs have sufficient hardware
that over the years has been upgraded through College budget line items
and or capital outlay projects. The Multimedia lab uses Macs, which
may sometimes present more of a challenge for the tech support staff
since the rest of the campus uses PCs. The Math lab has computers that
are less modern and capable than those in other labs, due to financial
Electronic labs have been equipped through CISCO donations and Vocational
Education (Voc-Ed) funds. More instructional equipment is needed, though.
Replacements and upgrades have to wait for the money to rotate through
several Voc-Ed programs that compete with other general fund needs.
Necessary supplies depend heavily on donations. Maintenance of electronic
test equipment used in the electronics technician classes is a growing
problem. As LPC grows, high priority should be given to providing maintenance
funds for technical support, keeping equipment up-to-date, and meeting
stipulations of all instructional agreements.
DSPS funding is categorical and sufficient. There is no institutional process to maintain, organize and select software and hardware, but DSPS staff have substantial influence in expenditures.
Other programs are not funded for expansion. The Career/Transfer Center budget does not allow for future expansion of programs and services. An adequate amount is budgeted for the Tutorial Center in light of what it currently provides. Additional funding would be needed for expanded resources.
Software purchases and licenses managed by ITS enable the College to obtain the best prices for software purchases and leases. However, no formal system exists for allocating funds in the LPC software budget. Thus far this system has been sufficient to cover College needs. Should requests outpace funding, there would be no guidelines for prioritizing requests.
Timely maintenance is an issue on two levels. Some instructional sites have experienced software and hardware problems at the beginning of the school year that could be avoided with a proactive maintenance program. And, requests for technical assistance, repairs, and day-to-day maintenance are not always addressed in a timely manner. Given the large amount of hardware and temperamental nature of technology, the current number of support staff is insufficient to insure the uninterrupted availability of instructional programs. LPC provides sufficient support for the security of its technology.
- Evaluate the need to increase funding of the Library to provide support for new program and course approvals.
- Adopt formal procedures to review and replace equipment in classrooms and instructional labs, and to identify and replace obsolete or inadequate software, including a system for prioritizing need.
- Provide stable and continuous financial support for the LPC website and instructional and faculty web pages.
- Evaluate
the need to increase technical support staff to:
- implement a proactive maintenance program. In particular, to ensure readiness at the beginning of the school year;
- respond to problems in a timely manner;
- provide dedicated support to lab sites to address problems during instruction and allow for student use of labs outside of instructional hours.
6.6 When the institution relies on other institutions or other sources for information and learning resources to support its educational programs, it documents that formal agreements exist and that such resources and services are adequate, easily accessible, and utilized.
The Library has a formal inter-library loan agreement with Chabot College and recently updated the loan policy for audiovisual materials. (6.55) The LPC Library also requests materials from libraries throughout the country through the National Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, 1993. (6.48) The Library is a charter member of the newly formed Golden Gateway Library Network that is building a framework to establish a statewide consortium. (6.56) A formal agreement exists among LPC, Chabot College and the film library at the University of California, Berkeley, for the exchange of instructional equipment. (6.55)
A science grant to colleges including LPC, Chabot College, Diablo Valley College, and Napa Valley College provides money to train GIS students to assist local businesses.
The Electronics program has written agreements with both Cisco Systems and with Los Medanos College to be a local Cisco academy. Los Medanos is the regional Cisco academy and provides both laboratory exercises and web access for the LPC program. (
The PDC acquires learning resources from the @ONE Project, a statewide grant-funded project designed to help faculty use technology for teaching. Some of the resources are given to colleges freely by @ONE, and these materials have been highly scrutinized by faculty and other knowledgeable professionals around the state.
The state-funded High Tech Center Training Unit located at DeAnza College is a useful resource for the DSPS staff.
The Library provides resources otherwise unavailable to its students, faculty and staff through formal agreements. While current agreements are adequate, accessible, and utilized, it would be advantageous to have additional formal agreements with local and regional institutions. Staff should continue to seek opportunities to participate in local and regional consortiums that offer expanded access to collections and resources. The formal agreement among LPC, Chabot College and the film library at the University of California, Berkeley for the exchange of instructional equipment has been a satisfactory alliance of resources.
The @ONE materials designed to help faculty use technology for teaching have been invaluable in creating curriculum for the Online Degree Pilot Program. The Trainer Network, still in its infancy, is a group of trainers and instructional designers throughout the CCC system that share training materials and assist each other on common issues.
The license and grant for the Science/Technology building labs are documented, and reliance on other institutions by the Electronics department is formalized through written agreements.
6.7 The institution plans for and systematically evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of its learning and information resources and services and makes appropriate change as necessary.
LPC has a technology committee and a Dean of Technology. Before the hiring of a Dean of Technology, the College contracted with Campus Works to address overarching technology needs.
In 2000, LPC hired a Librarian who has 20 percent release time to coordinate the Library. One of the Library Coordinator's responsibilities is to oversee the planning and evaluation of Library resources and services. The Library collects information and feedback from several sources to measure effectiveness. Library faculty and staff participate in a semi-annual in-house census week wherein staff monitor services. These statistics are added to those generated by an automated system to create an annual snapshot of Library activity. The Library also maintains a record of the number of classes and students attending orientations. Additional feedback about orientations is received from student evaluations.
While the LPC website currently does not have a mechanism for evaluating and auditing its adequacy and effectiveness, other areas use a variety of procedures. The English faculty and staff meet monthly to evaluate and discuss their academic area. Title III directors may also recommend further purchases for consideration by the English department. Internal evaluations and audits are commonly conducted in the DRC, Career/Transfer Center, Science/Technology building labs, and the Visual Communications Lab. Electronics lab faculty meet regularly to discuss and evaluate short-term and long-term needs and the program development. The ESL Coordinator evaluates the program and suggests changes, and Title III also assists in this work. Although no institution-led self-evaluation of the learning resources in the PDC exists, the PDC tries to keep its hardware and software current based on accepted practices in the area of instructional technology at large. The PDC distributes surveys to workshop attendees to get feedback for improvement.
LPC has made strides through its contract with Campus Works to implement a systemic resource process. This has had a significant impact on some of the structure, but the College has not established campus wide systemic processes. The College implemented a computer lease program last on March 20, 2001(6.60) and put in place a plan to replace hardware regularly. Processes for software and peripheral acquisitions have been suggested by the ITS staff, but have not yet been enacted by the College. Resources have been set aside for these functions, but with the loss of instructional improvement funds, ability to implement change is greatly reduced.
Generally, this departmental evaluation system allows LPC staff to make appropriate modifications to its learning and information resources. Planning and evaluation by the English faculty, for instance, is satisfactory, but planning for College-wide tutoring in writing might also include Title III, the Tutorial Center, and perhaps other departments. Self evaluation is a continuous process; faculty and administrators regularly communicate their needs regarding hardware and software, but without clear procedural practices. As new requirements arise, an ad hoc group has made decisions regarding the type, scope, and nature of additional hardware, software, and policy changes that should be implemented. Necessary changes to hardware and software have been identified by input from faculty and staff, but no proactive classroom readiness is in place.
References for Standard Six
6.1 | Interview with Fredda Cassidy, Instructor and Coordinator of the Multimedia/Graphics Lab |
6.2 | Interviews with Christine Acacio, Transfer Center Director and Lettie Camp, Counselor Assistant, Career/Employment Coordinator |
6.3 | Web sites:;;; |
6.4 | Eureka Computer Program |
6.5 | Four-year college and university catalogs |
6.6 | Job/employment postings |
6.7 | Career and transfer reference materials and brochures |
6.8 | Library Collection Policy |
6.9 | Copies of Forms for Faculty to Request Library purchases |
6.10 | Curriculum Proposal Forms |
6.11 | Staff Accreditation Survey |
6.12 | Interview with Abby McCann, English Center Coordinator |
6.13 | Interview with Cindy Ahre, Instructional Associate |
6.14 | Interview with LaVaughn Hart, Faculty, Computer Information Systems |
6.15 | Academic Senate Minutes |
6.16 | Interview with Sherman Lindsey, Instructional Technology |
6.17 | Staff Accreditation Survey |
6.18 | Staff Accreditation Survey |
6.19 | Instructional Computer Software and Hardware Handout to Technology Committee, dated 10/22/01 |
6.20 | Midterm Report of November, 1999 |
6.21 | Interview with Cecelia Kennerly, Coordinator, Disabled Students Programs and Services |
6.22 | Student Accreditation Survey |
6.23 | Interview with Carolyn Baranouskas, Richard Solomon |
6.24 | Eric Golanty, Chair of the Technology Committee |
6.25 | Interview with Gary Svihula and J. Scott Castner |
6.26 | Interview with Marilyn Marquis and Sarah Nielsen |
6.27 | Lab Hours from Disability Resource Center brochure |
6.28 | Interview with Mary Straight, Assessment Testing/Tutorials Specialist |
6.29 | Fall Semester (2001) Drop-in Tutoring Hours: Handout from Tutorial Center |
6.30 | "Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty" (from Tutorial Center) |
6.31 | Interviews with Dr. Abby McCann, English Faculty, and Cindy Ahre, Instructional Assistant, English |
6.32 | Memorandum on Test Proctoring for Las Positas College Faculty from Dee Roshong, Dean of Student Services. Handout on the back of Test Proctoring Form for Tutorial Center |
6.33 | Welcome to the Las Positas College Online English Lab: |
6.34 | Title III Fall 2001 Activities for Transfer Support |
6.35 | "Ways to Success. . . In English": handout from the English Program, Las Positas College |
6.36 | CalWORKs Office Schedule. Kimberly Tomlinson, CalWORKs Coordinator |
6.37 | "Welcome to the Center" brochure: Hours for Career and Transfer Center |
6.38 | "Look Here! These computers are available for researching: Educational, Career, Scholarship, and Employment Information," Career/Transfer Center |
6.39 | "About Us": Assist Software; (Available at Career and Transfer Center) |
6.40 | Eureka System Overview: Eureka, the California Career Information System, Richmond, CA. (Available at Career and Transfer Center) |
6.41 | "Surf for Internet Jobs," List of Internet job posting sites. Handout from Las Positas College Career/Transfer/Employment Center, updated 7/01 |
6.42 | "Career Specific websites," handout from Las Positas College Career/Transfer/Employment Center |
6.43 | Association of College and Research Libraries Standards for Community, Junior, and Technical College Learning Resource Programs |
6.44 | Las Positas Community College Budget 2001-2002 |
6.45 | Fiscal Workshop for Las Positas College Classified Staff, 9/24/01, Edralin Maduli |
6.46 | Interview with Connie Bish, Instructional Assistant, Math |
6.47 | Interview with Robert Breuer, Art Faculty |
6.48 | Frances Hui, Librarian |
6.49 | Greg Johns, Instructional Assistant, Computing |
6.50 | Julie Keener, English-as-a-Second Language Faculty |
6.51 | Gary Svihula, Electronics Technology Faculty |
6.52 | Thomas Trippe, Instructional Systems Specialist |
6.53 | Scott Vigallon, Instructional Technology/Learning Coordinator |
6.54 | Phillip Wasserman, Computing Faculty |
6.55 | Chabot College and Las Positas College Interlibrary Loan Agreement, Audiovisual Materials, 2000 |
6.56 | Library
of California Board; Letter certifying Las Positas College membership
in the Golden Gateway Library Network, 2001 |
6.57 | Fiscal Workshop for LPC Classified Staff, 9/24/01, Edralin Maduli |
6.58 | Interview with Pauline Trummel, Tutorial Program Coordinator/Instructor |
6.59 | Brochure: "For 'A' Students and those who want to be!" Las Positas College Tutorial Program |
6.60 | Interview with Gary Svihula |
6.61 | Interview with Tom Trippe |
6.62 | Equipment Inventory |
6.63 | Gateway Lease Agreement |
Interviews for Standard 6
Acacio, Transfer Center Director
Cindy Ahre, Instructional Associate
Carolyn Baranouskas, Design/Drafting Technology Faculty
Connie Bish, Instructional Assistant, Math
Robert Breuer, Art Faculty
Lettie Camp, Counselor Assistant, Career/Employment Coordinator
Fredda Cassidy, Instructor and Coordinator of the Multimedia/Graphics
J. Scott Castner,
LaVaughn Hart, Faculty, Computer Information Systems
Cecelia Kennerly, Coordinator, Disabled Students Programs and Services
Sherman Lindsey, Instructional Technology
Marilyn Marquis, Engilish/English as a Second Language Faculty
Abby McCann, English Center Coordinator
Sarah Nielsen, English as a Second Language Faculty
Richard Solomon, Geography Faculty
Mary Straight, Assessment Testing/Tutorials Specialist
Gary Svihula, Electronics Faculty
Thomas Trippe, Senior Instructional Network Specialist
Pauline Trummel, Tutorial Program Coordinator/Instructor