Accreditation 2003

Standard Eight: Physical Resources

Committee for Standard Eight

Connie Bish, Instructional Assistant (Chair)
Keith Jolly, Computer Science Faculty (Co-Chair)
Jim Adams, Laboratory Technician
Rose Brandi, Instructional Assistant
Richard Butler, Director of Safety and Security
Theresa Costa, Counseling Assistant
Jeremy Hamm, Adjunct Theater Arts Faculty
Wally Mara, Computer Information Systems Faculty
Judy Martinez, Staff Assistant
Steven Navarro, Physical Education Faculty
Zina Rosen-Simon, Early Childhood Development Faculty
Richard Solomon, Geography Faculty
Max Thomas, Automotive Technology Faculty
Dave Vigil, Laboratory Technician

Standard 8.1 The institution ensures that adequate physical resources are provided to support its educational programs and services wherever and however they are offered.


Las Positas College (LPC) is situated on 147.7 acres in a mostly rural setting. The main physical plant consists of 21 buildings housing classrooms, the Learning Resource Center (LRC), Admissions and Records and Counseling, various laboratories, a small theater, staff and student lounges, faculty offices, a communication building and administrative offices. Additionally, 28 storage containers and four trailers house the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) staff and equipment plus providing the only storage for theater paraphernalia, College records, and other archives.

Since the last accreditation visit, the campus added four new buildings:

  • Student Center/Health Center/Cafeteria
  • Communications Building (Data/Voice)
  • Phase I of the Science/Technology Building
  • Copy Center portable

Several other buildings underwent major renovations. The improvements were made in the interest of maintaining quality educational, student, and community service programs. These include:

  • Visual Communications Lab, photography, and Journalism
  • Math/Math lab/Art studio
  • Greenhouse
  • Computer Center
  • Faculty offices
  • Physical Education/Health Center
  • International Student Office
  • Disabled Students Programs and Services High Tech Center
  • Division Staff Assistant office spaces
  • Counseling Center
  • Professional Development Center lab

Several other project/upgrades were completed including:

  • Architectural Barrier Removal Project
  • Theater lighting upgrade
  • Infrastructure Project
  • Creek Mitigation Project
  • Telecommunications Switch Upgrade

The College anticipates the addition of new buildings to the campus in the near future. The State approved funding for the creation of working drawings for new Physical Education (PE) facilities. LPC currently schedules PE classes in a single multiuse classroom. The College provides a soccer field, a paved outdoor basketball court, a fitness center, and small, antiquated locker rooms. Several activities are scheduled off-campus to provide some variety of PE offerings.

There is currently no Early Child Development Center. The Strategic Plan identifies the strong need for adequate and affordable childcare. The increase in students taking ECD classes prompted the hiring of a full time ECD faculty coordinator and a second full time faculty member. Additionally, an ECD Professional Development Coordinator was hired to work in collaboration with Alameda County. (8.29)

The Performing Arts programs at LPC share three rooms: a small theater and two large classrooms. Each room is used to maximum capacity and serves overlapping multiple functions. The theater and performing arts facilities are the only areas that have not yet been renovated since the facility was built. However, new seats and cosmetic work are planned for the theater in January 2003. The construction of a Performing Arts Complex is ranked fourth in the Five Year Construction Plan, with a possible construction start date of 2006. (8.32)

LPC made some changes to the campus "footprint" in early 2002. Additional changes to the footprint are under review.


Overall, facilities to support instructional programs at the College are inadequate. Considerably more classroom and office space is needed. Available classroom space, especially during weekdays and throughout the mornings and evenings, is extremely limited, with the result that scheduling processes are delayed and College growth potential is severely reduced. Providing adequate classrooms for the College is an ongoing, severe problem that negatively affects program quality and expansion and affects the morale of students and staff. Additional office space to accommodate new faculty and staff, as well as for programs and services, is a continuing challenge.

The College has attempted to address its shortage of classroom and office space by scheduling more classes on weekends, increasing the number of online and off-campus courses, and improving its scheduling of classrooms and other facilities. Division Deans have worked cooperatively to renovate or share existing spaces to accommodate the growing number of faculty.

The lack of adequate storage space was addressed in the last accreditation. The Midterm Report stated that an analysis of storage is complete, and that a plan to provide appropriate and adequate storage was developed. However, as the College grows, the inadequacy of storage space continues to plague the College. (8.17)

LPC currently lacks adequate facilities to support the variety and depth of its Physical Education and Athletics programs. The College has expanded its offerings by renovating the old student center (building 1200) into a larger health and fitness center. LPC has increased offerings in this area, somewhat, as a result. The College cannot, however, offer any new indoor intercollegiate sports such as basketball or volleyball. LPC leases space at several offsite facilities. Students describe these arrangements as inconvenient, because they have to leave campus to take advantage of these classes. The LPC Master Plan has included a Physical Education and Athletics gymnasium for many years. In 2001-02, the College received state funding for working drawings and preliminary plans. Those plans will be finalized and submitted to the Department of the State Architect and the Community College Chancellors office at the end of August 2002. The next phase of the project awaits a statewide higher education capital outlay bond that goes to the voters in November 2002.

The Children and Families Commission in Alameda County developed a contract with LPC to help with countywide professional development in the field at LPC. (8.29) Even with the modest efforts on the state and federal level to increase childcare funding, demand for childcare is booming, just as experienced childcare workers are quitting to take higher paying jobs in other fields. A local child development center would provide a laboratory experience for future childcare providers and would provide quality childcare. (8.31, page 31)

The need for a performing arts building is acute. The College needs to address immediate needs in order for the Performing Arts programs to continue, to thrive, and to grow. Facilities available are inadequate and over-used. Space limitations and lack of specific features and equipment hinder current classes and performances, and preclude the growth and development of the programs. Shared space and facilities also are an issue and source of conflict between PE and Performing Arts, since each program has unique needs. Classes are sometimes cancelled because of the demand for the limited existing space.

Responses from the Accreditation Survey of faculty, administrators, and classified staff indicate varying degrees of dissatisfaction with current facilities. More than half of the respondents agreed that office space for part-time faculty is insufficient. On-campus facilities for effectively carrying out teaching responsibilities are inadequate by more than 50 percent negative responses. The greatest negative response, 82 percent, indicates a high degree of dissatisfaction with storage space. Sufficient conference rooms available on campus solicited negative responses at nearly 60 percent. (8.3)

In answering the Accreditation Survey, the faculty, classified staff and administrators give the following positive responses:

  • Fifty-eight percent feel faculty and classified staff are adequately involved in the planning and design phase of new or remodeled facilities.
  • Fifty-three percent feel the needs of the faculty and classified staff are adequately considered in the construction of new or remodeled facilities. (8.3)

Student responses to the Accreditation Survey indicate a higher level of satisfaction. Less than 10 percent of responses are negative regarding the adequacy of lecture facilities, technology laboratories and art facilities. The response to the statement regarding the music, theater/drama and PE facilities indicated a slightly higher level of dissatisfaction, 22 to 24 percent. Many students expressed concerns about the shortcomings of the performing arts facilities. (8.36)

Funding for additional needed facilities at LPC is tied to state bonds and state budgetary support and the establishment of an LPC Foundation. Discussion of floating a bond at the local level to finance new facilities is in the early stages of development. The College is in the process of establishing an LPC Foundation to raise funds to aid in facilities development. LPC has been extremely successful in securing State funds for facilities construction and should continue to meet State facilities planning requirements.


  1. Create additional sources of funding, including pursuing a bond and organizing a Foundation to augment capital funds.
  2. Assure that faculty and staff are integrally involved in all phases of planning facilities remodeling and construction.

Standard 8.2 The management, maintenance, and operation of physical facilities ensure effective utilization and continuing quality necessary to support the programs and services of the institution.


The management of programs and services in the M&O department as it relates to LPC are handled as an administrative service wing, overseen by the District Maintenance and Operations Director. (8.19) Operational management is coordinated by the M&O Director and implemented by supervisors assigned to LPC. The supervisors oversee a staff of skilled employees supporting a complex system of maintenance needs. College maintenance needs encompass custodial care for physical facilities, landscaping and grounds-keeping, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, carpentry and general maintenance. A single electrician hired by the District provides electrical repairs for the LPC and Chabot campuses. Supervisors report to and coordinate the needs of each campus with the Maintenance and Operations Director. The main priority of the M&O department is to ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff. Requests are prioritized as they relate to safety, health and the impact on instruction.

LPC has three M&O supervisors for Maintenance, Grounds and Custodial, who supervise a total of nine workers. The Maintenance Supervisor does not have permanent staff at LPC and is dependent on staff borrowed from Chabot College. The Grounds Supervisor has a crew of three workers, but all positions are vacant at this time. Worker attrition is high in the Grounds Department requiring the shifting of staff from Chabot College to maintain a safe environment. The remaining eight staff members report to the Custodial Supervisor.


The last accreditation team was impressed with the cleanliness and appearance of the campus grounds and building facilities. The commitment and pride the M&O departments plus the planning and prioritizing of tasks result in the outstanding cleanliness and aesthetic beauty of the campus. Of major concern, however, is the significant increase in facility square footage from 142,000 square feet to 180,000 square feet, or a 25 percent increase that requires additional custodial services in the face of decreasing staffing. The industry standard indicates one custodian would be expected to clean 20,000 square feet daily. Our custodians are expected to clean an average of 35,000 square feet daily. (8.33)

Grounds area requiring maintenance has nearly doubled since the last accreditation. The M&O department did not increase its maintenance and operations budget to hire three additional personnel as stated in the Midterm Report. (8.37) The Grounds department experienced a 100 percent turnover rate this year. Grounds Worker I and II employees, especially those with a Qualified Applicator's Certificate to apply pesticides, are leaving for higher paying jobs in nearby cities. A salary comparison revealed the need to upgrade these positions. Neighboring cities usually contract with outside companies for trenching and irrigation projects that college districts expect their grounds workers to do. Also, maintaining College athletic fields is more complex than maintaining city parks. The training and scope of duties required at college districts may also contribute to the high attrition rate. (8.30)


  1. Address the need with the District to provide additional custodial care, maintenance staffing, and grounds personnel to keep pace with the demands of additional new buildings and the expanding landscaping.

Standard 8.3 Physical facilities at all site locations where courses, programs and services are offered are constructed and maintained in accordance with the institution’s obligation to ensure access, safety, security and a healthful environment.


The College completed a major architectural barrier removal project where all barriers to students with disabilities were removed. The project included new door hardware, automatic door-opening devices, ramps, remodeled rest rooms, and signage including Braille, and provided better access. Four large maps are located at the boundary between the parking lots and the campus to help students and visitors navigate the campus.

The Office of Campus Safety provides information, assistance, safety escorts, personnel security, facilities security, emergency assistance and supervision of College traffic. A Director of Safety and Security, three full-time officers and four part-time officers staff the security office. Officers are on duty on campus seven days a week, from 7:00 AM until 11:00 PM. On weekends a security officer employed by the CLPCCD is on duty from 11:00 PM until 6:00 AM.

Sections in both the LPC Catalog (8.21) and the Class Schedule (8.22) delineate the role of the Department of Safety and Security in handling incidences of crime, accidents and emergencies and provide students with directions for reporting emergencies and safety hazards. During the orientation program for new students at the beginning of the Fall 2001, the counseling staff describes security on campus and informs students of emergency numbers and escort services.

Lighting around campus buildings at night improved and was augmented since the last accreditation. Students and staff who are concerned for their safety may request escort to their vehicles by a security officer. Each building has at least one telephone that can be used in emergency situations. The College installed emergency call boxes in the parking lots, on the perimeter road and the inner campus. The call boxes can be accessed without charge, and they connect the caller directly to security.

The Health and Safety Committee, co-chaired by the Director of Safety and Security and the Health Center Coordinator/Nurse Practitioner, is responsible for safety concerns on campus. In an effort to promote a healthy work environment, the Health and Safety Committee meets once a month to review College health and safety issues and makes recommendations for action to the College President. To avoid work-related injury and reduce workers' compensation costs, the Committee has developed an Employee Safety Handbook. (8.5) This handbook is currently in the developmental stages, and will be distributed to each employee at the College. The Health and Safety Committee has also developed and published a Las Positas College Emergency Response and Disaster Plan "for peacetime emergencies, designed to protect lives and property through effective use of available manpower and resources during emergency operations." (8.6)

The Office of Campus Safety is tied into the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), a countywide communication system for use in times of catastrophic emergencies. All managers have been trained in the Incident Command System mandated by the State of California for schools. Emergency supplies consisting of medical supplies, water, tools, sanitary equipment, portable toilets, modesty covers, lighting, electrical generators, extension cords, radios and batteries, vests and SEMS procedural manuals are stored in a secure location on campus. The Office of Campus Safety regularly maintains the condition of the emergency supplies. (8.6)

Responsibility for keeping the College in compliance with Federal, State and local regulations pertaining to hazardous materials and hazardous waste is shared. CLPCCD Vice-Chancellor of Business Services holds primary responsibility. The Director of Safety and Security supervises local campus safety. The chemistry laboratory technician, who also serves as the Chemical Hygiene Officer, oversees the use and handling of chemicals and the collection and disposal of chemical and biological wastes in the science laboratories. This person also works in conjunction with a committee of science instructors and with the Director of Safety and Security to revise policies and update the Chemical Hygiene Plan. Additionally, the District contracted with a safety consultant who provides expertise in OSHA regulations and workplace safety topics. This consultant developed a hazardous materials program and conducts training for appropriate faculty. The Director of Safety and Security is the first contact in the event of a hazardous waste incident. (8.15)

Material Safety Data Sheets (8.14) are maintained in the Office of Campus Security, and copies are kept in appropriate areas throughout the campus, such as the science laboratories, the automotive department, the photography department and M&O. Campus areas that require the proper storage of hazardous materials and the disposal of hazardous waste are identified by appropriate signage. (8.38) The campus recently passed an inspection by the Fire Department and an insurance inspector.

The security of College facilities is currently monitored by two electronic systems: Sonitrol and Aeco. The Sonitrol system monitors the LRC and the instructors' offices by means of an audio system, and allows instructors and authorized personnel access to their offices when the campus is closed. The Aeco system consists of motion detectors and alarms, and is used for the rest of the campus buildings. Aeco also operates a fire alarm system. The Office of Campus Safety, the bookstore and the copy center are electronically monitored every night. The rest of the campus is electronically alarmed only on weekends; and, classrooms are normally unlocked from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. with the exception of computer rooms, the science building, and the vacuum technology laboratory. During the night, custodians supervise the security of the buildings as they make their rounds. The locks on all buildings have been replaced since the last accreditation. Each Division Dean approves key distribution, and the office of the Vice President of Business Services issues keys. The Business Services office tracks possession of each key by computer. (8.16)

The CLPCCD contracts with a local health care center for a Nurse Practitioner who staffs the Student Health Center. The Nurse Practitioner and staff are available to provide first aid to students and staff, to assist and provide consultation on health issues, and to administer routine health needs such as tuberculosis testing and flu shots. The Center also serves as a means of educating students and staff in matters of health and in illness prevention. The Center is open to students on Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM and reopens from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM, and on Friday from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM. The Center is closed during the summer session.

The College sponsors numerous health-related programs during the school year including blood drives, HIV awareness workshops and testing, and substance abuse workshops. The College endorses a Peer Student Support Program that offers support and advice for students seeking information on matters such as substance abuse, sexual abuse, rape, HIV, and personal issues. Referrals to community professionals are made when appropriate.

The classified staff takes an active role in supporting a healthy work environment by organizing workshops on topics like dealing with angry students, personal safety and security, HIV prevention and protection, menopause and breast cancer.

LPC recognizes the problem of smoking on campus. No smoking is permitted within 15 feet of any building, but enforcement is a problem since ashtrays are located within that boundary. However, in cooperation with the Associated Students of Las Positas College (ASLPC), a club called Students Toward a Rapid Smoke-free School (STARSS) is actively pursuing a program to promote a healthy smoke-free environment. To this end, the College is sharing a Smoking Cessation Grant with Ohlone College and the City of Berkeley to study ways to designate smoking areas on campus.


According to the Accreditation Survey, about half of the staff believe that campus signs concerning building locations and room identification are sufficient and strategically located. The switchboard operator, who frequently needs to give directions to buildings and services, feels that the signage could be improved. The Director of Safety and Security agrees the signage on campus is unsatisfactory. Long range plans to improve signage were discussed with the former Vice President of Business Services, but no decisions have been made regarding sign placement or budgeting for improvements.

The Accreditation Survey indicates that employees and students do not seem unduly concerned about safety issues. A recent inspection of the science laboratories by an industrial hygienist did not reveal any significant health and safety issues, and the College is currently undertaking a professional evaluation of air quality in the laboratories. Training of personnel in safety issues as they pertain to the handling of chemicals and hazardous wastes needs to continue on a regular basis. The Accreditation Survey also indicates that 60 percent or more of the staff, and almost 90 percent of the student population consider that safety and security on campus is adequate and effectively managed. (8.35 and 8.39) Similar numbers believe that the campus atmosphere is clean and pleasant. Likewise, 60 percent or more of the staff appreciated the lighting, climate control and soundproofing qualities of the work and study environment. A majority of the staff judge that provisions for the security of campus equipment are effective and satisfactory. (8.3)

According to the Accreditation Survey, approximately half of the staff feels well informed about their responsibilities in an emergency. The classified staff recently participated in a mock emergency response situation, and participants appreciated the effectiveness of this simulation. Additionally, training for the entire campus may prove useful, since half the staff do not feel well informed about emergency response. (8.3)

Some confusion arose during a bomb threat regarding the procedure for evacuation, removal of personal belongings and the communication of the all-clear signal. The Director of Safety and Security clarified the policy regarding emergency evacuations. Evacuation and fire drills occur at least once each semester and are followed-up by written evaluations. While staff and instructors may not be aware of emergency instructions posted in the classrooms, security officers verify that every classroom and service area has a current copy of the emergency instructions. Additionally, the Director communicates evacuation procedures to all staff at the start of each semester and educates new faculty and staff at orientation programs.

Enforcing the no smoking ban within 15 feet of buildings is impractical. Ashtrays are affixed to nearly every building, and are located next to the doors, allowing smoke to waft into the classrooms. No designated smoking areas are defined on campus. The STARSS club held two open forums to solicit input on where to locate designated smoking areas. All other areas of the campus will become non-smoking after the designated smoking area shelters are installed.


  1. Offer all staff additional opportunities to experience the implementation of the Standardized Emergency Management System in order for the College to be better prepared for a catastrophic emergency.
  2. Support efforts to discourage smoking by individuals and to enforce the campus smoking policy.

Standard 8.4 Selection, maintenance, inventory and replacement of equipment are conducted systematically to support the educational programs and services of the institution.


Equipment can be divided into three categories: traditional instructional equipment, instructional technology equipment, and physical plant equipment defined as the campus-wide equipment that supports instructional and administrative facilities. The Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) guides the planning for facilities and equipment. (8.40)

The Business Services Office at LPC and the M&O staff coordinate the selection, maintenance, inventory and replacement of physical plant equipment. The 2001-2002 District Scheduled Maintenance Five-Year Plan (8.7) systematically addresses critical needs and summarizes relevant information such as facility and equipment type, repair and replacement records, projected costs, and funding sources. The plan is certified by the District Vice Chancellor of Business Services and forwarded to the state Facilities Planning and Utilization Unit, California Community Colleges. In some cases, physical plant equipment is maintained through contracts awarded to outside vendors through a competitive bidding process. (8.24)

Traditional and technology instructional equipment is acquired from a variety of categorical and other funding sources such as state funds associated with new building construction, block grants, Vocational Technical Education Act (VTEA), Telecommunication and Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP), Partnership for Excellence (PFE), donations and community resources, economic development and other grants obtained through faculty initiative, Title III, and occasionally from supply accounts within the divisions.

Faculty and classified staff identify instructional equipment needs from areas as diverse as the English, Math, Computer and Science labs, the Library, Student Services and technical staff. The equipment needs are then prioritized through a collegial process at the Division/Department level and forwarded to the IPC for review and recommendation. The College president makes the final decision based upon IPC recommendations and budget constraints.

Selection and replacement of instructional technology equipment is addressed in the Midterm Report, (8.40) that references the adoption of the LPC Technology Plan in January 1999. The 1999 version summarizes seven major principles and plans for implementing the most urgent portions of the plan. These included standards for purchase of certain technologies and provisions for providing technical support. The Library Technology Strategic Plan was also developed during 1999. The College hired Campus Works (a consulting firm) to provide focus and direction for a viable, dynamic and adaptive technology plan. The Technology Plan is currently under review by the Dean of Technology. The Instructional Systems (ITS) department has made significant strides in upgrading hardware and network systems, most notably in the Computer Center, Visual Communications Lab, engineering lab, and English lab through the Gateway, Inc., lease agreement. The ITS and LPC Business Services negotiated a Gateway lease agreement that provides a two-year cycle for the upgrade of every computer "box" in the computer labs and the Library; three-year replacement of peripherals; all maintenance parts covered; and partial labor coverage.

Laboratory technicians in the Science Building and other qualified classified staff in Computer Support and the Automotive, Horticulture and Welding programs frequently maintain and repair instructional equipment located on the campus. Off-campus facilities and equipment for the Administration of Justice program are maintained externally by the appropriate agency.

A new district-wide Fixed Asset Inventory System was launched in December 2001 and integrated into the BANNER database system. (8.26)

Written processes for equipment replacement have been developed by the IPC to ensure integration of planning and budget development processes, and evaluation of the policies and processes for equipment maintenance continues. (8.40)

See Standard Six for more information regarding instructional equipment.


Selection and replacement of equipment, both traditional and technology related, is dependent on fluctuating state budgets. New technology is dependent on categorical funding and grant writing. Both are unstable sources, and the result has been a piecemeal, disorganized implementation of technology. Furthermore, the Technology Plan seems to reinvent itself every two years, while remaining unapproved. Campus Works wrote volumes about a process for developing a technology plan. The Senior Instructional Network Systems Specialist recently drafted a revised technology plan that the new Dean of Technology is reviewing. The technical computer support staff is focused on the management of the technology, including cost, required infrastructure and the level of computer support staffing required. By contrast, the faculty is focused on development and support needs of instruction.

The Accreditation Survey (8.3) indicates a majority of the responding staff agrees that there is a clear understanding of the process for requesting maintenance and repair of campus buildings and grounds. However, 40 percent of the responding staff disagrees, suggesting that the overall level of understanding needs to be enhanced. Nearly three quarters, or 73 percent, of the staff concur that requests for maintenance and repair of buildings and grounds are handled in a timely manner and with satisfactory results. The level of agreement is significantly higher for classified staff than for administration and faculty. The classified staff may understand that the maintenance department is understaffed, thus making allowances for delays to complete needed repairs.

Seventy eight percent of the staff concur that available equipment is appropriate and adequate to carry out required work responsibilities. Despite current fiscal constraints, the high level of concurrence suggests significant progress has been made in this area since the last accreditation.

As acknowledged in the Midterm Report, LPC continues to tie the acquisition of equipment to the College goals and priorities through collegial participation. (8.40)

Forty-three percent, a significant percentage of staff, disagree that periodic replacement of College equipment is adequately scheduled. The survey does not clearly address the equipment types that are not replaced in a timely manner.

Students overwhelmingly agree, at a rate of 93 percent, that the Computer Center meets student computer needs. The availability of computers in the LRC also rates highly at 84 percent. The Library Technology Strategic Plan (8.23) reflects the Library commitment to sustaining technology for students.


  1. Identify the types of College equipment that may not be adequately scheduled for timely replacement.
  2. Finalize a technology plan responsive to change, based on a collegial, inclusive campus-wide review to be coordinated by the Dean of Technology. Integrate the campus plan with district-level technology planning.
  3. Examine cost effective options for future technology acquisition and seek alternative funding sources for technology.

 Standard 8.5 Physical resource planning and evaluation support institutional goals and are linked to other institutional planning and utilization where appropriate.


The Institutional Planning Committee meets regularly and guides the overall long-range institutional planning and policy-making processes of the College. The committee reviews the College Mission Statement and approves College goals and priorities, integrating division and area input. Recommendations from the IPC are submitted to the LPC President, forwarded to the District Chancellor and finally to the Board of Trustees.

The IPC reviews plans for development of construction or renovation of facilities and equipment acquisitions. The IPC is also responsible for review of all educational master and strategic planning documents for the College. The IPC serves as the Steering Committee for the Accreditation Self Study and the Strategic Plan. (8.28) Membership is broad based, including faculty, administrators, classified staff and students, and ensures that links exist between institutional planning and physical resource planning. (8.20)

The former District Vice Chancellor of Institutional Planning led the development of the District Master Plan entitled, New Beginnings For A New Century (8.1), and the LPC Master Plan Update (8.2) in cooperation with the IPC and with input from the community. The 2003-07 Five-Year Construction Plan, recently released by the District Vice Chancellor of Business Services, lists the District order of priority for construction and modernization of facilities at both Colleges. (8.12) Because of the shortage of state funding, a bond issue is being considered for an upcoming ballot to fund physical resource implementation. The recently released Facilities Master Planning (8.18) is an update of the earlier master plan reflecting the input received through collegial processes to prioritize construction projects for the upcoming bond issue.


One of the duties of the IPC is to ensure that the physical resource planning and evaluation support the institutional goals. Therefore, the committee itself and its work link physical resource planning to other institutional planning.

References for Standard Eight

8.1 New Beginnings for a New Century
8.2 Las Positas College Master Plan Update: Programs and Facilities
8.3 Staff Accreditation Survey Results: Spring 2001, Pages 3-4
8.4 Minutes - Special Meeting Institutional Planning Committee
8.5 Employee Safety Handbook
8.6 Emergency Response and Disaster Plan
8.7 Five Year Scheduled Maintenance Plan
8.8 Blood Borne Pathogens IIPP
8.9 Capital Outlay Budget Change Project

Hazardous Materials Business Plan

8.11 Evaluation Report - Report of Findings
8.12 2003-2007 Five Year Construction Plan
8.13 Institutional Self Study for Reaffirmation 1995
8.14 Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting
8.15 Hazard Communication Program
8.16 College Business Services Handbook, page 198
8.17 Las Positas College Midterm Report, page 6
8.18 Facilities Master Planning 2001
8.19 District Office Table of Organization
8.20 College Governance-formerly Collegial Consultation Process
8.21 Las Positas College Catalog 2000-20002, pages 20-21
8.22 Las Positas College Fall 2001 Class Schedule, pages 100-101
8.23 Library Technology Strategic Plan
8.24 List of Maintenance Agreements with Outside Vendors
8.25 Maintenance and Operations - Grounds Unit 2001 Maintenance Plan
8.26 E-mail informing Colleges the VRM Maximus Company starting Fixed Inventory
8.27 1998 Draft Technology Plan
8.28 Las Positas College Strategic Plan
8.29 Alameda County Annual Report 2000-2001 Every Child Counts, page 6
8.30 Salary Comparison with Surrounding Cities-Grounds Workers
8.31 Las Positas College Strategic Plan, page 13
8.32 Facilities Master Planning 2001, District Priority #5
8.33 E-mail, Nick Pereira, Director of Maintenance and Operations
8.34 Student Accreditation Survey Results: Spring 2001, page 45
8.35 Las Positas College Midterm Report, page 52
8.36 Hazard Communication Program, pages 11-12
8.37 Student Accreditation Survey Results: Spring 2001, page 43

Las Positas College Midterm Report, pages 54-55

Interview for Standard Eight

Richard Butler, Director of Safety and Security
Edralin Maduli, Vice President of Business Services
Nick Pereira, Director of Maintenance and Operations
William McCarthy, Safety Officer
Heidi Ulrech, Communications Specialist
Kim Kerrigan, Director of Health Services
Karen Halliday, Las Positas College President
Tom Trippe, Instructional Systems Supervisor
Tom Fuller, District Grounds Manager

Accreditation 2003


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