Standard Two: Institutional Integrity
Committee for Standard Two
John Armstrong, Student Records Evaluator/Outreach Specialist (Chair)
Brehe Johnson, Speech Faculty
Robert Breuer, Photography Faculty
Lilia Camino, Staff Assistant
Lettie Camp, Career/Transfer/Employment Coordinator
Sharron L. Dupree, International Admissions Specialist
Greg Johns, Instructional Computer Laboratory Specialist
Ann Jones, Student Services Specialist, Financial Aid
Jeff Lawes, Admissions and Records Assistant
Pat Pohl, Physical Education Faculty
Sylvia Rodriguez, Assistant Dean, Director of Admissions and Records/Registrar,
Equity and
Diversity Officer
Doris Scott, Counselor Assistant, Equal Opportunity Programs and Services
Catherine Suarez, Spanish Faculty
Standard 2.1 Institution represents itself clearly, accurately, and consistently to its constituencies, the public, and prospective students through its catalogues, publications, and statements, including those presented in electronic formats. Precise, accurate, and current information is provided in the catalog concerning (a) educational purposes; (b) degrees, curricular offerings, educational resources, and course offerings; (c) student fees and other financial obligations, student financial aid, and fee refund policies; (d) requirements for admission and for achievement of degrees, including the academic calendar and information regarding program length; and (e) the names of administrators, faculty, and governing board.
Las Positas College (LPC) represents itself to the public through a variety of printed materials in a clear, accurate and consistent manner. The college produces a variety of publications including:
- Class
- Community
Education Schedule
- Student
- College Website
Express (student newspaper)
- Various program brochures and flyers
The LPC Catalog is published bi-annually under the general direction of the Vice Presidents of Academic and Student Services. An addendum is published in interim years. The LPC Catalog is the most complete source of accurate information regarding educational purposes, degrees and certificates awarded, curricular offerings, student support services, and other information about college policies, programs, staff and the Board. The online version of the Catalog is updated annually.
The Class Schedule is published for each upcoming semester, Fall, Spring and Summer, under the direction of the Vice President of Academic Services and the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records. These offices oversee the Class Schedule production and ensure its accuracy. The Division Deans schedule course offerings in close collaboration with faculty. The Assistant Dean of Admission and Records coordinates all other information, including admission, registration policies, fees and refunds, academic program and support services informational pages. Prior to printing, draft versions of the Schedule are reviewed several times for accuracy. To maintain the currency of the online version of the Schedule, changes to course offerings are downloaded automatically from the Banner computer information system to LPC's website on a weekly basis.
The divisions develop and coordinate other forms of publicity such as program brochures and flyers, radio, newspaper and television advertisements with the assistance of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (CLPCCD) Public Information Officer (PIO).
LPC represents itself to its constituencies with accuracy and consistency through its website and printed materials. Eighty-three percent of respondents to the faculty, classified staff, and administrator Accreditation Survey agreed that the LPC Catalog accurately reflects the courses that appear in the class schedule within a two-year cycle. Ninety-two percent of respondents to the student Accreditation Survey agreed that information was overwhelmingly satisfactory.
Standard 2.2 The Institution has a readily available governing board-adopted policy protecting academic freedom and responsibility, which states the institutional commitment to the free pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and fosters the integrity of the teaching-learning process.
The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board of Trustees
policy protecting academic freedom is published in the District Board
Policy Manual and the Faculty Handbook. District Board Policy 4320
(2.10) defines academic freedom as it pertains to this district and
addresses, through the administrative rules and procedures, grievance
and due process pertaining to faculty and student rights. These policies
and procedures assure faculty freedom of expression. The Board Policy
Manual is available in the Library, the Office of the Chancellor, the
Office of the President, in other offices on campus, and through online
web pages maintained by the college.
According to the faculty, classified and staff Accreditation Survey,
85 percent of full-time faculty agreed or strongly agreed that the
Board of Trustees and College management protect and support LPC faculty
in their exercise of academic freedom. The same survey found 98 percent
of full-time faculty agreed or strongly agreed the faculty of LPC protects
the academic freedom of its members.
Standard 2.3 Faculty and other college staff distinguish between personal conviction and proven conclusions and present relevant data fairly and objectively to students and others.
faculty and staff are fair and objective when presenting information
to students and others by clearly distinguishing between personal convictions
and facts, and by inviting those qualities in others. According to
Board Policy, "Academic freedom exists and is nurtured in our
community for the common good of all citizens." (REF Board Policy
4320) Students, faculty and administrators are encouraged to exercise
academic freedom "with its open search for truth and its free
exposition." (REF Faculty Handbook, Board Policy) LPC's continuing
regard for these values is confirmed through faculty evaluation processes
that include observation, student surveys, and professional reviews.
faculty and staff believe in an educational environment that nurtures
the professional exercise of academic freedom and respect for truthfulness.
The rights of faculty and staff to express ideas in an appropriate
academic context are clearly defined by Board policies, contract agreements,
and campus-wide practices. (REF)
Standard 2.4 Institutions which strive to impose codes of conduct on students give clear prior notice of such policies.
LPC has published a statement entitled Student Rights and Responsibilities
in its catalog, the Student Handbook, and various other brochures.
The statement explains policies regarding student rights, duties, responsibilities,
sexual harassment, student grievance, free speech, Americans with Disabilities
Act, and student conduct. Brochures that explain the general provisions
and specific procedures related to student behavior are available to
students from the office of the Vice President of Student Services,
the Counseling office, and the office of the Associated Students of
Las Positas College (ASLPC).
College expectations regarding student behavior are well publicized
and available to students, staff, and the community. Student grievance
processes are in accordance with LPC policy and procedures in order
to protect student rights and the College interests. The College has
a strong commitment to students and to providing a safe, supportive
environment for student learning. Campus-wide enforcement of student
conduct policies protects the learning environment for students and
encourages socially appropriate behavior.
Standard 2.5 The institution provides faculty and students with clear expectations concerning the principles of academic honesty and the sanctions for violations.
LPC has defined guidelines concerning academic honesty. Documents such
as course syllabi, course objectives, the CLPCCD Board Policy Manual,
faculty standards, the Collegial Consultation Process, and the Mission
Statement all contain statements about academic honesty. (2.1, 2.11,
2.15, 2.16) Some of these documents contain information on sanctions.
However, these expectations and sanctions are not clearly stated in all College handbooks and catalogs. While not specifically addressing honesty, the Faculty Handbook does address related issues of academic freedom, free speech, and problematic student behavior. Student responsibility and academic honesty expectations are specified in pamphlets like Student Conduct and Due Process, and Students Right, Duties and Responsibilities that are distributed and available in the counseling and Student Services offices. Furthermore many faculty include honesty policies in their class syllabi that they enforce with regard to plagiarism and disruptive behavior. Many faculty spell out consequences for violations on their syllabi.
The LPC Catalog makes a vague reference to expectations and principles of academic honesty and sanctions. The Student Handbook has extensive coverage of student rights and complaint procedures but does not address the issues and sanctions regarding academic honesty.
LPC has documents that specifically define policies concerning academic honesty and how faculty must give notice of academic policies and/or changes to already existing policies.
Overall responses to the Accreditation Survey indicate that the majority
of all groups (79%) agree that, "LPC provides faculty and classified
staff with clear expectations concerning the principles of academic
honesty and the sanctions for violations." Seventy percent of
the full-time faculty responding agreed with this statement. However,
it is apparent that a number of key documents do not include a clear
and strong statement regarding academic honesty.
1. Review and strengthen communication on shared expectations concerning the principles of academic honesty and the sanctions for violations by adding a statement regarding the policies and principles of academic honesty and sanctions to the LPC Catalog, Faculty Handbook, Student Handbook and all other appropriate College publications. Recommend that faculty include at least minimal notice of these policies and principles in each class syllabus, including where to find the complete policy.
Standard 2.6 The institution demonstrates through policies and practices an appropriate understanding of and concern for issues of equity and diversity.
LPC programs that support equity and diversity and serve diverse cultural needs among our students include: Matriculation, Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS), the Cooperative Agencies, Resources for Education (CARE) Program, the Vocational and Technical Education Act (VTEA) Program, the Career/Transfer Center, CalWORKS, the Re-entry Program, Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS), the LaPTechS Program, the Student Health Center, the Expanding Education for Mature Adults Program (Quest), and the Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center. These programs comply with the Equal Opportunity Policy outlined in the LPC Catalog. Audits by agents from federal, state, and county funding sources review College policies and procedures for these services, and College staff also review them for necessary changes. Audits confirm that LPC is in compliance.
LPC offers an extensive English as a Second Language (ESL) Program. Counseling offers a separate ESL orientation. An orientation course, PSCN 4959, is offered for international students. The Title III program at LPC works with at risk students in basic skills, math and English classes. The Internship for Diversity program also works with the non-traditional student. The College maintains an extensive bi-lingual interpreter listing that is distributed and readily available to students and staff. The Student Interventions Developer assesses all students enrolled in basic skills courses for at risk indicators.
LPC has
numerous campus clubs and organizations that address equity and diversity,
including: Access DSPS Club, EOPS Club, Latino Student Organization,
World Cultures Alliance, Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), and the Parenting
Club. In addition, LPC has an expanding International Students Program.
The Multicultural Achievement Program provides a forum for issues
important to the Black, African-American, and African Diaspora community
at LPC.
Intramural activities are available to all LPC students.
On the Accreditation Survey, staff and students reported a high degree of satisfaction (2.6) with College commitment to and demonstration of understanding and concern for issues of equity and diversity. The vast majority of staff agreed or strongly agreed with the following statements concerning the institutional environment and treatment of people of diverse backgrounds.
These statements included:
LPC fosters
an environment in which every person is treated with respect (87%
Agree or Strongly Agree). The College makes serious efforts toward
creating a positive environment in which all individuals are likely
to feel respected and esteemed (84%). The institution maintains a
campus climate that services and supports its diverse student population
(87%). The College demonstrates its commitment to diversity through
its hiring process, including job descriptions, diversity of applicant
pool, and the selection of hiring committee members (91%). The campus
environment, in general, is one of tolerance to differences in ethnicity,
cultural background, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability
and religious beliefs (95%). LPC makes serious efforts toward creating
a positive environment that is inclusive of all (86%). LPC makes
serious efforts toward creating a positive environment in which individuals
are likely to feel esteemed (87%).
The student Accreditation Survey revealed that students feel they are
treated with respect by Instructors (98%) agree or strongly agree),
Students (92%), office staff (93%), Administrators (94%), other staff
(94%). (2.6)
Standard 2.7 The institution subscribes to, advocates, and demonstrates honesty and truthfulness in its athletic programs as dictated by the Commission on Athletics (COA), the Coast Conference and complies with rules, policies, and guidelines set for by the COA.
LPC competes in the Coast Conference and strictly adheres to COA guidelines as well as all local conference regulations and by-laws. The Dean of Division I, the Athletic Director, and the coaching staffs cooperate to ensure honesty and integrity in all athletic programs. Administrators, directors, coaches, athletic counselors, and student athletes receive updates about rule changes. The Athletic Director annually updates coaches in these matters, provides coaches with the LPC Athletic Handbook (2.18), and submits verification reports about these in-service sessions. Student athletes receive the COA Flyer on "Participation in Intercollegiate Athletics at the California Community College" and all student-athletes complete the lengthy Student Eligibility Report (Form 1) prior to participating in intercollegiate sport competition. The athletic director and counselor verify reports before athletes are allowed to compete.
Students competing on an LPC athletic team must be enrolled and maintain 12 units. The student must have completed 24 units of credit with a 2.0 grade point average in the second year of competition. The counseling and instructional divisions and Student Services assist student success through a cooperative monitoring system. All student teams receive information and an LPC Athletic Handbook at a required orientation about the behavior expected of student athletes and about College regulations concerning drug and alcohol use. LPC adheres to Title IX that assures gender equity in athletic programs.
Although the LPC athletic program is limited to women's and men's soccer and women's and men's cross-country [due significantly to the lack of on-campus facilities (2.18)], these programs demonstrate the highest level of integrity and honesty. LPC is committed to becoming a full service campus and is currently striving to expand its athletic programs.
Standard 2.8 In it's relationship with the Commission, the institution demonstrates honesty and integrity, and agrees to comply with Commission standards, policies, guidelines, and self-study requirements.
The Board, administrators, faculty, classified staff and students of
LPC are committed to honesty and integrity in complying with the standards
of the Accreditation Commission, and adhere to all policies and guidelines
within the Self Study process. The College has involved more than 130
people in the Accreditation Self Study process, including all administrators,
all full-time faculty, representatives for the part-time faculty, classified
staff, and students.
As the
standard committees completed the draft of each standard, they submitted
it to the Coordinating Council that was made up of the ten standard
chairs, the liaison officer and the Self Study Chair. After this
group incorporated their suggestions, drafts were sent on to the
steering committee (Institutional Planning Committee) for approval.
The concerns of that group were addressed, and the document was then
submitted to the entire campus community for review. Copies were
placed in easily accessible areas, and it was also posted on the
college website.
At the beginning of the process, the Accreditation Steering Committee
(IPC) met with the Associate Director of the Accrediting Commission
to clarify questions and procedures. The Self Study Chair ensured that
each member of the steering committee received the appropriate commission
documents and guidelines related to each standard. Each chairperson
has followed the commission standards in preparing drafts of the document
for review by participants in the accreditation process.
Standard 2.9 The institution regularly evaluates and revised institutional policies, practices, and publications to ensure integrity in all representations about its mission, programs, and services.
LPC regularly reviews and revises policies and publications to maintain the integrity of the institution.
The Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) guides the overall long-range planning and policy-making processes of the College. The IPC reviews the College Mission Statement annually and ensures through division representation that goals and priorities are linked to the Educational Master Plan. The committee is also responsible for review of all master-planning documents for the College.
IPC representation includes all College constituencies and reports to the College president.
The Strategic Planning Team was created to develop specific initiatives related to the College vision and mission. Six initiatives were created and will be addressed in all College planning processes, practices, and publications. This Team is not a standing committee and continues at the discretion of the LPC President. The original team included 24 members from a cross-section of the College and community who worked with the assistance of a facilitator. Two initiatives, "Teaching and Learning" and "Connections to the Community," are receiving the primary focus for 2002-03, though objectives and strategies from the other initiatives will also be implemented.
Faculty updates curriculum with input from the academic deans, advisory committees, and through program review. The Articulation Officer serves as a resource person to faculty in updating curriculum to ensure transfer and articulation of College courses to UC, CSU and private institutions. The Curriculum Committee conducts the formal process for approval of course revisions.
The LPC Class Schedule is revised each semester and lists current policies under General Information and Campus Safety headings. Current academic programs and support services are listed.
In 2001, LPC hired a Webmaster to oversee online presentation and functions of the College. The website was updated, enabling the College to maintain an online catalog and class schedule. The Webmaster also facilitates faculty instructional web pages. At this time no College policy exists for updating web pages, and no formal student privacy policy exists in relation to the website. A new classified staff member was recently hired to bring the website into compliance with Federal guidelines for access by people with disabilities.
The District
Public Information Officer produces program information and brochures
within departments as needed within budgetary constraints. The Counseling
Office maintains certificate, Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of
Science (AS) and transfer flyers that are consistent with the LPC
Catalog and updated when programs are revised.
The College has processes in place to review and revise policy, programs
and publications. Accreditation Survey results indicate that all constituencies
agree that there is room for improvement. (2.6) For example, 18 percent
of staff disagree with the statement that "the LPC Catalog accurately
reflects the courses which appear in the Class Schedule within a two-year
Also, 36 percent of staff disagree with the statement "the processes
for implementation and revision of the curriculum are clearly understood
by faculty and function as intended." Furthermore, 21 percent
of staff disagree with the statement "the current program review
process is an effective method for determining appropriate curriculum
changes and improvements."
The technology
committee is working on a process for coordination, review and update
of all College publications in print or digital format.
A more efficient, better-coordinated curriculum update is necessary.
At this time approximately 60 percent of course outlines have been
rewritten to Title V regulations. Divisions need to encourage the rewriting
and updating of course work and then process it through the Curriculum
Committee to ensure that current information is articulated to four-year
universities. Responsibility for oversight rests with the Vice President
of Academic Services. On the Accreditation Survey, thirty-six percent
of staff disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement,
"The processes for implementation and revision of the curriculum
are clearly understood by faculty and function as intended." Twenty-one
percent of staff disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement, "The
current program review process is an effective method for determining
appropriate curriculum changes and improvements." (2.6)
The 2000-02 LPC Catalog reflects courses that are not offered at LPC inside a two-year period, making it difficult for students to plan. Changes in curriculum policy reflected in the catalog are not always accompanied by new procedures. The 2002-04 LPC Catalog addresses this issue. The College should consider removing classes and programs from the Catalog that are not being offered inside a two-year period.
LPC continues
to expand the new website and ensure that it is secure, current,
and accessible to students with disabilities.
1. Establish
a deadline for all LPC courses to be rewritten or revised to meet
Title V regulations.
2. Adopt website policies.
3. Adopt a process for coordination of review and update of all College
publications in print or online.
References for Standard Two
2.1 | Las Positas College 2000-2002 Catalog, Pages 7, 36-37 |
2.2 | Las Positas College Fall 2001 Class Schedule |
2.3 | Las Positas College Student Handbook |
2.4 | Las Positas College Faculty Handbook, Pages A-10, B-17, C-4-C-25 |
2.5 | Las Positas College Classified Handbook, May 2000 |
2.6 | Las Positas College Staff Accreditation Survey Results, Spring 2001 |
2.7 | Chabot-Las Positas Colleges Free Speech Policy & Procedures (2/11/00) |
2.8 | Las Positas College Student Grievance Procedures (2/22/99) |
2.9 | Las Positas College Student Conduct and Due Process (11/3/00) |
2.10 | District Board Policy Manual, policy 4320 - Academic Freedom, adopted: March 19, 1996 |
2.11 | Chabot-Las
Positas College Board Policy 4300: 4310 – Academic Personnel Policies, 4320 – Academic Freedom, 4322 – Free Speech http://today/district/policies/4300.htm#E40E185 |
2.12 | Las
Positas College “About the College” Website |
2.13 | Chabot-Las Positas Today Website http://today/ |
2.14 | Chabot-Las
Positas College Board Policy 4000 4027 – Sexual Harassment http://mis/district/policies/4027.htm#E40E136 |
2.15 | Chabot-Las Positas College Board Policy 5000, 5510 – Free Speech http://mis/district/policies/5510.htm#E40E288 |
2.16 | Las Positas Collegial Constitution Process, Section 1 Constituent Groups (a, b, c) (2/25/98) |
2.17 | American with Disabilities Act (6/15/98) |
2.18 | Intercollegiate Athletics information Packet (COA Flyer) |
Interviews for Standard Two
Milanese, Vice President of Academic Services; Accreditation Liaison
Campbell, Faculty, Music, Accreditation Chair
Konrad, Executive Assistant for the Vice President of Academic Services
Calwalader, Executive Assistant to the President and support staff
to the Institutional Planning Committee
Trethan, Director of Human Resources
Baranouskas-Slutz, Faculty, Institutional Planning Committee Chair
Kidwell, Administrator, Strategic Planning Committee Facilitator
Van Horn-Landre, Articulation Officer, Curriculum/Articulation/Catalog
Noyes, Webmaster
Kit, Classified, Executive Assistant, Vice President of Student Services
Hawkinson, Classified, Student Counseling Center
Brecheisen, Student President, Associated Students of Las Positas College